首页 > 解决方案 > 我需要序列化它以保存到文件吗?


我有一个从 .json 文件反序列化并绑定到 datagridview 的数据表。

我正在通过 UI 进行一些小的更改,将列中的值减去 1 或将值加 1。



向下到代码的底部,就在最后一个 else 语句是我试图序列化的地方之前,然后我意识到我无法序列化,因为这些代码都不能用于此。


private void ToolPull_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (transactionSerial_Box.Text.Length == 4)
            //define variables
            double cost = Convert.ToDouble(active_Cost.Text);
            int serial = Convert.ToInt32(transactionSerial_Box.Text);
            string employee = Convert.ToString(transactionEmployee_Box.Text);
            string description = Convert.ToString(active_Description.Text);
            string vendor = Convert.ToString(active_Vendor.Text);
            DateTime timeNow = DateTime.Now;

            //json file holding all data to be parsed.
            string myDynamicJSON = File.ReadAllText(@"transactionlog.json");

            //deserialize object containing all entries
            var logs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TransactionLogEntry>>(myDynamicJSON) ?? new List<TransactionLogEntry>();

            //append current transaction to object
            logs.Add(new TransactionLogEntry()
                Employee = employee,
                CurrentDate = timeNow,
                Serial = serial,
                Vendor = vendor,
                Description = description,
                IsPull = true,
                Cost = cost


            //serialize the object back to file for transaction log
            myDynamicJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logs, Formatting.Indented);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"transactionlog.json", myDynamicJSON);

            //tool data starts here

            int i = 0; //counter

            Object onHand = tooldataSet.Tool.Rows[i]["OnHand"]; // reads value from datatable 
            onhand column
            Object stock = tooldataSet.Tool.Rows[i]["StockQty"];//reads value from datatable 
            stock column

            int newOnHand = (int)onHand - 1; //if user clicks pull then our onhand qty would 
            reduce by 1
            int order = (int)stock - (int)newOnHand; //updating the order column by doing math
            onHand = newOnHand; //sets orignal var to the updated value
            foreach (DataRow row in tooldataSet.Tool.Rows)

                if (row["Serial #"].ToString() == transactionSerial_Box.Text)

                    if (newOnHand >= 0)
                        row.SetField("OnHand", onHand);
                        row.SetField("OrderQty", order);
                        row.SetField("OnHand", 0);

            //clear the input boxes after each entry.
            transactionEmployee_Box.Text = "";
            transactionSerial_Box.Text = "";

            //serialize the object back to file
            myDynamicJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ToolJson, Formatting.Indented);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"testLibrary.json", myDynamicJSON);
            MessageBox.Show("Entry is not a valid serial number. Please try again.", "invalid serial number", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            transactionSerial_Box.Text = "";


标签: c#json

