首页 > 解决方案 > Typescript keyof T 类型断言与类型注释




interface IExample {
    one: string;
    two: number;

interface IGeneric<T> {
    example: [key: keyof T, someText: string][]; // tuple array

这些是 3 个示例及其各自的错误消息。1 和 2 似乎按预期工作,但令我惊讶的是 example3 的行为与 example1 不同?

// Type '"three"' is not assignable to type 'keyof IExample'.(2322)
let example1: IGeneric<IExample> = { example: [
    ['one', 'one'],
    ['three', 'three'],

Conversion of type '{ example: (["three", string] | ["four", string])[]; }' to type 'IGeneric<IExample>' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
  Types of property 'example' are incompatible.
    Type '(["three", string] | ["four", string])[]' is not comparable to type '[key: keyof IExample, someText: string][]'.
      Type '["three", string] | ["four", string]' is not comparable to type '[key: keyof IExample, someText: string]'.
        Type '["four", string]' is not comparable to type '[key: keyof IExample, someText: string]'.
          Type at position 0 in source is not compatible with type at position 0 in target.
            Type '"four"' is not comparable to type 'keyof IExample'.

let example2 = { example: [
    ['three', 'three'],
    ['four', 'four'],
]} as IGeneric<IExample>;

// no error ??
let example3 = { example: [
    ['one', 'one'],
    ['three', 'three'],
]} as IGeneric<IExample>;

标签: typescript




* 学究式注意:从技术上讲,这两种类型根本不完全没有重叠,因为具有空数组的对象{example: []}可以分配给这两种类型。尽管如此,同样的理由也适用。如果类型有足够的重叠,编译器愿意“相信你的话”,但如果重叠太小以至于你可能犯了错误,它仍然会出错。
