首页 > 解决方案 > C# & ASM - 跳转到地址


我正在使用 C# 编写代码注入来分析潜在的恶意软件。


我为 32 位进程获取了示例代码,但我的是 64 位,所以我将其转换为 64 位,这样做时我可能会破坏某些东西,因为跳转地址不是它应该跳转到的正确地址。

作为示例,我想在地址:7FF95BBD0000 进行代码注入。


public void injection()
    _oMemory.Alloc(out _newmem, 0x300); //Allocate 300 Bytes of unallocated Memory for the code Injection (This part works)

    var CodeBaseAddress = ModuleBaseAddress + 0x36652EE; //I want to jump from this Address (7FFBA13F52EE output = 140718718800622) to (7FF95BBD0000)
    var CodeInjectionAddress = (ulong)_newmem; //This is the Address of the Code Injection that I want to jump to (7FF95BBD0000 output = 140708962697216)

    var Jumpbytes = Jmp(ConeInjectionAddress, CodeBaseAddress, false); //this should give me the byte[] Byte Decimal for the Jump from the CodeBaseAddress to the CodeInjectionAddress but it gives me a slightly wrong output (outputs = {233, 13, 173, 192, 94, 4, 128, 255, 255}, in Hex = {0xE9, 0x0D, 0xAD, 0x7D, 0xBA, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, in OPCode = "jmp 7FFB5BBD0000")

    _oMemory.Write((IntPtr)ad1, bv1); //This writes the Jumpbytes to the CodeBaseAddress which works

    _oMemory.CloseHandle(); //Closes Handle which also works

public static byte[] Jmp(ulong jmpto, ulong jmpfrom, bool nop)
    var test = jmpto - jmpfrom;
    var test2 = test - 5;
    var dump = test2.ToString("x"); //Get original bytes

    if (dump.Length == 7) //Make sure we have 4 bytes
        dump = "0" + dump;

    dump += "E9"; //Add JMP
        if (nop)
            dump = "90" + dump; //Add NOP if needed

    var hex = new byte[dump.Length / 2];
    for (var i = 0; i < hex.Length; i++)
        hex[i] = Convert.ToByte(dump.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16); //Set each byte to 2 chars

    Array.Reverse(hex); //Reverse byte array for use with Write()

    return hex;


请注意 Jmp 方法如何返回“7FFB5BBD0000”而不是“7FF95BBD0000”。它将 95 更改为 B5,从而导致错误的跳转地址。

另一个奇怪的事情是跳转到错误的地址看起来像这样: 在此处输入图像描述

如果我使用作弊引擎将跳转更改为我想要的地址,它看起来像这样: 在此处输入图像描述

我猜我的 Jump 使用 E9 跳转太“大”了,所以它给我的方法提供了错误的跳转地址?我怎么能解决这个问题?


标签: c#assemblyx86-64

