首页 > 解决方案 > 动态规划问题的记忆。为什么以下解决方案不起作用?


我在 Leetcode 上尝试以下问题:Best time to buy and sell stock II


      /        \
    Buy         Not Buy
 (profit=-7)     (profit=0)
 /       \ 
 Sell      Not Sell 
profit=-6     profit=-7




def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:

    # Stack tuple order -> profit, buying, index , stack_instruction
    stack = [(0, True, 0, 'ENTER')]
    d = dict()
    while stack:
        profit, buying, index, ins = stack.pop()
        if index >= len(prices):
            d[(index, buying)] = profit
        elif ins == 'ENTER':
            stack.append((profit, buying, index, 'EXIT'))
            if buying:  # Can buy
                stack.append((profit - prices[index], not buying, index+1,'ENTER'))
            else: # Can sell
                stack.append((profit + prices[index], not buying, index+1, 'ENTER'))
            # Skip / take no action
            stack.append((profit, buying, index+1, 'ENTER'))
            # on the way up post order traversal
            d[(index,  buying)] = max(d.get((index+1, not buying)), d.get((index+1,  buying)))
    return d.get((0, True))


    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
    dp = {}
    def dfs(i: int = 0, buying: bool = True) -> int:
        if i >= len(prices):
            return 0

        if (i, buying) in dp:
            return dp[(i, buying)]
        cooldown_profit = dfs(i + 1, buying)
        if buying:
            buying_profit = dfs(i + 1, not buying) - prices[i]
            dp[(i, buying)] = max(cooldown_profit, buying_profit)
            selling_profit = dfs(i + 1, not buying) + prices[i]
            dp[(i, buying)] = max(cooldown_profit, selling_profit)
        return dp[(i, buying)]
    return dfs()

但是,当我尝试使用以下代码添加(标记为 ** **)来实现 memoization 时,它无法给出正确的解决方案。有人可以指出我哪里出错了吗?

    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:

    # Stack tuple order -> profit, buying, index , stack_instruction
    stack = [(0, True, 0, 'ENTER')]
    d = dict()
    while stack:
        profit, buying, index, ins = stack.pop()
        if index >= len(prices):
            d[(index, buying)] = profit
        elif ins == 'ENTER':
            stack.append((profit, buying, index, 'EXIT'))
            if buying:  # Can buy
                **if (index+1, not buying) not in d:**
                    stack.append((profit - prices[index], not buying, index+1,'ENTER'))
            else: # Can sell
                **if (index+1, not buying) not in d:**
                    stack.append((profit + prices[index], not buying, index+1, 'ENTER'))
            # Skip / take no action
            **if (index+1, buying) not in d:**
                stack.append((profit, buying, index+1, 'ENTER'))
            # on the way up post order traversal
            d[(index,  buying)] = max(d.get((index+1, not buying)), d.get((index+1,  buying)))
    return d.get((0, True))

标签: pythonalgorithmdynamic-programmingdepth-first-searchmemoization



class Solution:
def maxProfit(self, prices) -> int:
    # index, buying, ins
    stack = [(0, True, 1)]
    d = dict()
    #calls = 0
    while stack:
        index, buying, ins = stack.pop()
        #calls +=1
        if index >= len(prices):
            d[(index, buying)] = 0
        elif ins == 1:
            stack.append((index, buying,  0))
            if (index + 1, not buying) not in d:
                stack.append((index + 1, not buying,1))
            if (index + 1,buying) not in d:
                stack.append((index + 1,  buying,1))
            lst = []
            if buying:
                lst.append(d.get((index+1, not buying)) - prices[index])
                lst.append(d.get((index+1, not buying)) + prices[index])
            lst.append(d.get((index+1, buying)))
            d[(index, buying)] = max(lst)
    return d.get((0, True))
