首页 > 解决方案 > 试图从一个类中创建一个对象列表,但它似乎不起作用


所以我正在尝试创建对象列表,其数量由用户输入确定。然后我通过一个循环来收集每个对象所需的数据。我尝试过使用和不使用构造函数,以及几种不同的变体,但是每当我尝试打印结果时,什么都不会打印。就好像它正在创建空对象,所以当我运行一个 foreach 循环时,它什么也不打印,然后在 ReadLine 上挂起,直到我按下一个键。



public class TermItem
        // declare variables
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public double Area { get; set; }
        public float Gravity { get; set; }
        public float Weight { get; set; }
        public string Planet { get; set; }
        public double TerminalV { get; set; }
        public double TimeToV { get; set; }

    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // list of code variables
            int objectCount = 0;
            char confirmation = 'n';
            string planet;
            float Cd = .1f;
            float dt = .2f;
            float gravity= 9.8f;
            float P = 1f;

            // confirmation loop for number of objects to test
            while (confirmation != 'y' && confirmation != 'Y')
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of spherical objects you wish to test:");
                var objectAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                while (!int.TryParse(objectAttempt, out objectCount))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid integer.");
                    objectAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                objectCount = int.Parse(objectAttempt);
                Console.WriteLine("You entered " + objectCount + " objects. Is this correct? Y/N");
                var confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                    confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                if (confirmation == 'y' || confirmation == 'Y')
                while (confirmation != 'y' && confirmation != 'Y')
                    if (confirmation == 'n' || confirmation == 'N')
                        confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                            confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                        confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                            confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();

            List<TermItem> myItems = new List<TermItem>();

            // request the base parameters for each object
            for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                // reset 'confirmation' for confirmation loop initialization
                confirmation = 'n';


                // confirmation loop for base parameters
                while (confirmation != 'y' && confirmation != 'Y')
                    // request the size of the objects
                    if (i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the frontal surface area of the 1st object in square meters:");
                    else if (i == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the frontal surface area of the 2nd object in square meters:");
                    else if (i == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the frontal surface area of the 3rd object in square meters:");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the frontal surface area of the " + i+1 + "th object in square meters:");
                    var sizeAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    float size;
                    while (!float.TryParse(sizeAttempt, out size))
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number.");
                        sizeAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    float area = float.Parse(sizeAttempt);

                    // request the mass of the objects to prevent confusion in giving weight due to difference in gravity on planets
                    if (i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the mass of the 1st object in kilograms:");
                    else if (i == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the mass of the 2nd object in kilograms:");
                    else if (i == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the mass of the 3rd object in kilograms:");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the mass of the " + i+1 + "th object in kilograms");
                    var massAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    float mass;
                    while (!float.TryParse(massAttempt, out mass))
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number.");
                        massAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    mass = float.Parse(massAttempt);

                    // request the planet to test on
                    if (i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please select a planet from the list below for the 1st object:");
                    else if (i == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please select planet from the list below for the 2nd object:");
                    else if (i == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please select planet from the list below for the 3rd object:");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please select planet from the list below for the " + i+1 + "th object:");
                    string[] planetList = { "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune" };
                    for (int index = 0; index < planetList.Length; index++)
                        Console.Write(planetList[index] + "    ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Note: Planet spellings are case sensitive.");
                    planet = Console.ReadLine();
                    while (!planetList.Contains(planet))
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid planet from the list.");
                        planet = Console.ReadLine();

                    // set the planet specifc parameters for calculations
                    if (planet == "Earth")
                        gravity = 9.82f;
                        P = 1.29f;
                    else if (planet == "Mars")
                        gravity = 3.721f;
                        P = .02f;
                    else if (planet == "Venus")
                        gravity = 8.87f;
                        P = 65f;
                    else if (planet == "Jupiter")
                        gravity = 24.79f;
                        P = .16f;
                    else if (planet == "Saturn")
                        gravity = 10.44f;
                        P = .19f;
                    else if (planet == "Uranus")
                        gravity = 8.87f;
                        P = .42f;
                    else if (planet == "Neptune")
                        gravity = 11.15f;
                        P = .45f;
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid planet.");


                    // verify the base parameters for each object
                    Console.WriteLine("You entered ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Item: " + i + 1 + ", Area: " + area + " m^2, Weight: " + Math.Round((mass * gravity), 2) + ", on Planet: " + planet + ".");

                    Console.WriteLine("Are these parameters correct? Y/N");

                    var confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                        confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (confirmation == 'y' || confirmation == 'Y')
                    while (confirmation != 'y' && confirmation != 'Y')
                        if (confirmation == 'n' || confirmation == 'N')
                            confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                            while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                                confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                            confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();
                            while (!Char.TryParse(confirmationAttempt, out confirmation))
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter Y/N");
                                confirmationAttempt = Console.ReadLine();

                    // create object and assign values
                    myItems.Add(new TermItem
                        Id = i + 1,
                        Area = area,
                        Weight = mass*gravity,
                        Planet = planet,
                        TerminalV = (Math.Sqrt(2 * mass * gravity) / (Cd * P * area)),
                        TimeToV = (Math.Sqrt(2 * mass * gravity) / (Cd * P * area) + area * dt) * (1 - Cd * dt)

            // print all data
            Console.WriteLine("Terminal Velocity Outputs for provided objects and environments");
            foreach (var item in myItems)
                Console.WriteLine("ID: " + item.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("Area: " + item.Area + "m^2");
                Console.WriteLine("Weight: " + Math.Round(item.Weight, 2) + "kg");
                Console.WriteLine("Planet: " + item.Planet);
                Console.WriteLine("Terminal Velocity: " + Math.Round(item.TerminalV, 2) + "m/s");
                Console.WriteLine("Time to Reach Terminal: " + Math.Round(item.TimeToV, 2) + "s");
            Console.Read(); // keep the console open until key press

标签: c#listclassobject



Console.WriteLine("Are these parameters correct? Y/N");
// create object and assign values


Console.WriteLine("Are these parameters correct? Y/N");

// create object and assign values

