首页 > 解决方案 > UB是否将第一个联合成员重新解释为活动联合成员的类型?



struct A { int i; };
struct B { std::string s; };

struct C
        A a{};
        B b;


void foo()
    C c;        // c.a is active
    c.b = {};   // now c.b is active

    auto& b = reinterpret_cast<B&>(c.a); // read c.b via access to c.a
    // use b somehow

标签: c++language-lawyerc++20



假设满足对齐要求,则 reinterpret_cast 不会更改指针的值,但处理指针可互转换对象的一些有限情况除外:

struct S1 { int a; } s1;
struct S2 { int a; private: int b; } s2; // not standard-layout
union U { int a; double b; } u = {0};
int arr[2];

int* p1 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&s1); // value of p1 is "pointer to s1.a" because s1.a
                                   // and s1 are pointer-interconvertible

int* p2 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&s2); // value of p2 is unchanged by reinterpret_cast and
                                   // is "pointer to s2". 

int* p3 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&u);  // value of p3 is "pointer to u.a": u.a and u are
                                   // pointer-interconvertible

double* p4 = reinterpret_cast<double*>(p3); // value of p4 is "pointer to u.b": u.a and u.b
                                        // are pointer-interconvertible because both
                                        // are pointer-interconvertible with u

int* p5 = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&arr); // value of p5 is unchanged by reinterpret_cast and
                                    // is "pointer to arr"
