首页 > 解决方案 > 为 nexus 存储库中的 docker 图像设置自定义清理


我一直在使用清理策略处理存储在我们的 nexus 存储库中的 docker 图像。这些对基本行为有好处,在每天(或每小时或我们想要的)运行的任务中配置,如下所示:

  1. 第一个任务将是管理员类型 - 使用相关策略清理存储库
  2. 2nd of type Docker - 删除未使用的清单和图像
  3. Admin类型的第 3 个- 紧凑型 blob 存储

清理策略有一个正则表达式,以避免删除以某种方式标记的某个图像(例如: build-latest),以及最后一次下载的时间(例如: 5 天)。

现在这有助于每 X 天删除一次映像,但只要不存在其他映像,就需要保留一些映像,即如果唯一存在的映像是build-99,请不要删除它,这是我仅使用策略无法做到的。

对于我想要实现的目标,repo 的外观如何:




注意:有关此处所做操作的信息可以在不同的 SO 帖子或 github 中找到

标签: dockergroovynexus


使用每天自动运行的 groovy 脚本,我能够做到这一点。该脚本设置在Admin - Execute script的任务中,默认情况下在 nexus 较新版本中禁用,我在 FAQ 部分中的Scripting Nexus Repository Manager 3以及如何确定 Nexus 3 Data Directory 的位置解决了这个问题。

该脚本基于来自不同地方的文档、问题和代码(例如: StorageTxImpl.java是您可以找到获取/删除资产、组件等的方法的地方)。它也受到这些的启发 Using the Nexus3 API how do I get a list of artifacts in a repository , NEXUS-14837 and Nexus 3 Groovy Script development environment setup




  • 获取存储库
  • 获取 repo 的组件
  • 按名称对它们进行分组(例如: repository/my-repository/some-project/service-A)
  • 对于每个服务循环其组件并获取其资产
  • 按资产过滤资产last_downloaded并仅保留与最近 3 个不匹配的资产,例如
  • 删除与资产相关的组件(nexusdeleteComponent(cp)在内部删除资产及其 blob)



import org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.Asset
import org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.Query
import org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.StorageFacet

import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.sonatype.nexus.repository.Repository

class RepositoryProcessor {
    private final log
    private final repository
    private final String repoName = 'my-repository'
    private final String[] ignoreVersions = ['build-latest']
    private final int processIfSizeGt = 3
    private final int delAllButMostRecentNImages = 2

    RepositoryProcessor(log, repository) {
        this.log = log
        this.repository = repository

    void processRepository() {
        def repo = repository.repositoryManager.get(repoName)
        log.debug("found repository: {}", repo)
        // will use default of sonatype
        // https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/blob/master/components/nexus-repository/src/main/java/org/sonatype/nexus/repository/storage/StorageFacetImpl.java
        StorageFacet storageFacet = repo.facet(StorageFacet)
        log.debug("initiated storage facet: {}", storageFacet.toString())
        // tx of type https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/blob/master/components/nexus-repository/src/main/java/org/sonatype/nexus/repository/storage/StorageTxImpl.java $$EnhancerByGuice ??
        def transaction = storageFacet.txSupplier().get()
        log.debug("initiated transaction instance: {}", transaction.toString())

        try {

            log.info("asset count {}", transaction.countAssets(Query.builder().build(), [repo]))
            log.info("components count {}", transaction.countComponents(Query.builder().build(), [repo]))

            // queried db is orientdb, syntax is adapted to it
            def components = transaction.findComponents(Query.builder()
                    // .where("NOT (name LIKE '%service-A%')")
                    // .and("NOT (name LIKE '%service-B%')")
                    .build(), [repo])
            // cp and cpt refers to component
            // group by name eg: repository/my-repository/some-project/service-A
            def groupedCps = components.groupBy{ it.name() }.collect()

            // fetch assets for each cp
            // and set them in maps to delete the old ones
            groupedCps.each{ cpEntry ->
                // process only if its greater than the minimum amount of images per service
                if (cpEntry.value.size > processIfSizeGt) {
                    // single component processing (i.e this would be done for each service)
                    def cpMap = [:] // map with key eq id
                    def cpAssetsMap = [:] // map of cp assets where key eq cp id
                    // process service cpts
                    cpEntry.value.each { cp ->
                        // cp id of type https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/blob/master/components/nexus-orient/src/main/java/org/sonatype/nexus/orient/entity/AttachedEntityId.java
                        def cpId = cp.entityMetadata.id.identity
                        // asset of type: https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public/blob/master/components/nexus-repository/src/main/java/org/sonatype/nexus/repository/storage/Asset.java
                        def cpAssets = transaction.browseAssets(cp).collect()
                        // document of type https://github.com/joansmith1/orientdb/blob/master/core/src/main/java/com/orientechnologies/orient/core/record/impl/ODocument.java
                        // _fields of type: https://github.com/joansmith1/orientdb/blob/master/core/src/main/java/com/orientechnologies/orient/core/record/impl/ODocumentEntry.java
                        // any field is of type ODocumentEntry.java
                        // append to map if it does not belong to the ignored versions
                        if (!(cp.entityMetadata.document._fields.version.value in ignoreVersions)) {
                            cpMap.put(cpId, cp)
                            cpAssetsMap.put(cpId, cpAssets)
                    // log info about the affected folder/service
                    log.info("cp map size: {}, versions: {}",
                    // order desc by last_downloaded (default is asc)
                    log.debug("cp map assets of size: {}", cpAssetsMap.values().size())
                    def sortedFilteredList = cpAssetsMap.values()
                            .sort { it.entityMetadata.document._fields.last_downloaded?.value }
                    // list of cp ids from the assets that going to be deleted
                    def sortedAssetsCps = sortedFilteredList.entityMetadata.document._fields.component?.value?.flatten()
                    log.info("cp map assets size after filtering {}", sortedFilteredList.size())
                    // this will print the cps ids to delete
                    log.debug("elements to delete : sorted assets cps list {}", sortedAssetsCps)
                    // deleting components and their assets
                    cpMap.findAll { it.key in sortedAssetsCps }
                            .each { entry ->
                                log.info("deleting cp version {}", entry.value.entityMetadata.document._fields.version?.value)
                                // this will call delete asset internally, and by default will delete blob
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("transaction failed {}", e.toString())
        } finally {

new RepositoryProcessor(log, repository).processRepository()
