首页 > 解决方案 > 无法将 Ripple (Cryptocurrency Coin - XRP) 发送到钱包


我正在尝试使用以下代码将波纹(加密货币)-XRP 发送到另一个地址,但我收到以下错误:

“未捕获(承诺)错误:水龙头 URL 未定义或无法推断。”

在 HTML 文件中包含以下 JS 引用,

脚本 src="https://unpkg.com/xrpl@2.0.0/build/xrpl-latest-min.js" 脚本类型="应用程序/javascript" src="send-xrp.js"


发送-xrp.js ===========

    // Dependencies for Node.js.
    // In browsers, use a <script> tag instead.
    if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
      // Use var here because const/let are block-scoped to the if statement.
      var xrpl = require('xrpl')
    // Example credentials
    const wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed("I ENTERED MY SECRET KEY HERE")
    // Connect -------------------------------------------------------------------
    async function main() {
      console.log("Connecting to Testnet... I CHANGED BELOW TO PRODUCTION NETWORK")
      const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://xrplcluster.com')
      await client.connect()
      // Get credentials from the Testnet Faucet -----------------------------------
      console.log("Getting a wallet from the Testnet faucet...")
      const {wallet, balance} = await client.fundWallet()
      // Prepare transaction -------------------------------------------------------
      const prepared = await client.autofill({
        "TransactionType": "Payment",
        "Account": wallet.address,
        "Amount": xrpl.xrpToDrops("35"),
        "Destination": "ENTERED MY DESTINATION KEY HERE"
      const max_ledger = prepared.LastLedgerSequence
      console.log("Prepared transaction instructions:", prepared)
      console.log("Transaction cost:", xrpl.dropsToXrp(prepared.Fee), "XRP")
      console.log("Transaction expires after ledger:", max_ledger)
      // Sign prepared instructions ------------------------------------------------
      const signed = wallet.sign(prepared)
      console.log("Identifying hash:", signed.hash)
      console.log("Signed blob:", signed.tx_blob)
      // Submit signed blob --------------------------------------------------------
      const tx = await client.submitAndWait(signed.tx_blob)
      // Wait for validation -------------------------------------------------------
      // submitAndWait() handles this automatically, but it can take 4-7s.
      // Check transaction results -------------------------------------------------
      console.log("Transaction result:", tx.result.meta.TransactionResult)
      console.log("Balance changes:", JSON.stringify(xrpl.getBalanceChanges(tx.result.meta), null, 2))
      // End of main()

标签: javascriptcryptocurrencyripple


“密钥”或privateKey用于签署与seed. 此外,您似乎正在连接到主网而不是测试网尝试:

const wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(seed)
const client = new xrpl.Client(`wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233`)
