首页 > 解决方案 > C 中的数组地址有问题?


我创建了一个动态数组名称 listProduct,现在我想从文件中读取数据并插入到这个数组中。但是我在解析数组时遇到了一些麻烦,我知道我解析了错误的地址:(但我无法解决这个问题。有人可以帮助我(我花了 3 个小时,但没有用)。谢谢全部


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    struct Product* listProduct = (struct Product*) malloc(sizeof(struct Product) * 1); 
    printf("address of listProduct in main: %d \n", &listProduct);
    int length = 0;
    char fileName[] = "products.txt";
    length = readDataFromFile(&listProduct,length,fileName);    
    printf("address of listProduct in main after insert \n: %d \n", &listProduct);
    printf("length in main %d \n", length);
    printf("start for in main \n");
    int i;
    for(i =0; i < length; i++){
        printf("%s \n", listProduct[i].tenSanPham);
    printf("end for in main \n");   
    return 0;

在 readFile 函数中

int readDataFromFile(struct Product* listProduct,int length, char fileName[]){
    printf("address of listProduct in readData: %d \n", (*listProduct));
    FILE *fp;
   char buff[1024];
    struct Product product;
   fp = fopen(fileName, "r");

   while(fgets(buff, 255, (FILE*)fp) != NULL){
        product = convertStringToProduct(buff);
        printf("IN readData: %s \n", product.tenSanPham);
        insertProduct(product, &(*listProduct), length);
   int i ;
   printf("\n\ncheck value in listProduct after insert\n");
   for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
    printf("IN FOREACH readData: %s \n", listProduct[i].tenSanPham);
    printf("read done \n");
    return length;


void insertProduct(struct Product product, struct Product** listProduct, int length)
    printf("addres of listProduct in insert %d \n", (*listProduct));
    printf("Product In Insert: %s \n", product.tenSanPham);
  *listProduct = (struct Product*) realloc(listProduct, sizeof(struct Product) * (length+1));
  (*listProduct)[length] = product;
  printf("Get product inserted: %s length: %d \n", (*listProduct)[length].tenSanPham, length);
  printf("insert done!\n");


address of listProduct in main: 6487568
address of listProduct in readData: 6486368
IN readData: FOOD 1
addres of listProduct in insert 1905632
Product In Insert: FOOD 1

Process exited after 0.5239 seconds with return value 3221226356
Press any key to continue . . .

标签: cpointers


你有很多错误。通过启用编译器警告可以找到其中的一些。编译时使用-Wall -Wextra -pedantic(gcc/clang) 或您的编译器的等效项。

首先,realloc(listProduct, ...)应该是realloc(*listProduct, ...)

其次,realloc可以返回与提供的地址不同的地址。这就是为什么insertProduct需要一个struct Product**. 这允许它改变调用者的指针。readDataFromFile需要做同样的事情。参数必须是struct Product **. 地址改变的事实不是问题。



%p用于指针,而不是%d. 他们(奇怪地)需要被强制转换void*为 for %p



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Product { ... };

typedef struct Product Product;  // So we don't have to use "struct Product" everywhere.

Product convertStringToProduct(const char *s) {

void insertProduct(Product **listProductPtr, size_t *lengthPtr, Product product) {
    printf("[insertProduct] Address of variable in caller: %p\n", (void*)listProductPtr);
    if (*lengthPtr)
        printf("[insertProduct] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)*listProductPtr);  // Same: &((*listProduct)[0])

    Product *tmp = realloc(*listProductPtr, sizeof(Product) * (*lengthPtr + 1));
    if (!tmp) {
       // ...

    *listProductPtr = tmp;
    (*listProductPtr)[(*lengthPtr)++] = product;

    printf("[insertProduct] Address of variable in caller: %p\n", (void*)listProductPtr);
    if (*lengthPtr)
        printf("[insertProduct] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)*listProductPtr);  // Same: &((*listProduct)[0])

void readDataFromFile(Product **listProductPtr, size_t *lengthPtr, const char *fileName) {
    printf("[readDataFromFile] Address of variable in caller: %p\n", (void*)listProductPtr);
    if (*lengthPtr)
        printf("[readDataFromFile] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)*listProductPtr);  // Same: &((*listProduct)[0])

    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
    if (!fp) {
       // ...

    char buff[1024];
    while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp)) {
        Product product = convertStringToProduct(buff);
        insertProduct(listProductPtr, lengthPtr, product);


    printf("[readDataFromFile] Address of variable in caller: %p\n", (void*)listProductPtr);
    if (*lengthPtr)
        printf("[readDataFromFile] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)*listProductPtr);  // Same: &((*listProduct)[0])

int main(void) {
    Product *listProduct = NULL;
    size_t length = 0;

    printf("[main] Address of listProduct variable: %p\n", (void*)&listProduct);
    if (length)
        printf("[main] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)listProduct);  // Same: &(listProduct[0])

    readDataFromFile(&listProduct, &length, "products.txt");
    printf("[main] Address of listProduct variable: %p\n", (void*)&listProduct);
    if (length)
        printf("[main] Address of first product: %p\n", (void*)listProduct);

    for (size_t i=0; i<length; ++i) {
        printf("%s\n", listProduct[i].tenSanPham);
    return 0;
