首页 > 解决方案 > 设备旋转纵向/横向视口


iPhone 8 plus 的视口宽度有问题。下面的代码是 ipad Air 3 (2019) 的工作宽度。如果我在横向旋转 iPhone 8 plus 或 iPhone XS Max 而不是在纵向旋转,浏览器 safari 和 firefox 在纵向屏幕中增加了额外的空间。但不在横向屏幕中。但它变得更加特别:如果没有打开额外的水龙头,它只显示这种行为,而不是在每个案例中。你知道为什么它会这样吗?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        * {
            padding: 0;
  <body style="height:100%; background-color:grey;display:grid;grid-template-rows:120px 60px calc(100% - 180px)">
      <div style="background-color:green;height:100%;"></div>
      <div style="background-color:red;height:100%;"></div>
      <div style="background-color:blue;height:100%;"></div>
      let winGroesse = window.innerHeight;
      let winGroesseout;
      window.onresize = reSizeFunkt;
      let neueWinGroesse = winGroesse.toString() + "px";
      document.querySelector('html').style.height = neueWinGroesse; 
      function reSizeFunkt () {
          winGroesse = window.innerHeight;
          neueWinGroesse = winGroesse.toString() + "px";
          document.querySelector('html').style.height = neueWinGroesse; 

先转 后转

标签: htmlcssiosviewport


i've still not found a solution. But should someone else have that trouble i share here my ugly workaround:

      let winGroesse = window.innerHeight;
      let winGroesseout;
      window.onresize = reSizeFunkt;
      let neueWinGroesse = winGroesse.toString() + "px";
      document.querySelector('html').style.height = neueWinGroesse; 
      function reSizeFunkt () {
          winGroesse = window.innerHeight;
          neueWinGroesse = winGroesse.toString() + "px";

          document.querySelector('html').style.height = neueWinGroesse; 
        **setTimeout(function() {
            winGroesse = window.innerHeight;
            neueWinGroesse = winGroesse.toString() + "px";
            document.querySelector('html').style.height = neueWinGroesse;
        }, 300);**


I figured out, that the rezise needs an moment so I set a 2nd function width a delay of 300ms. It does what it's supposed to do but I think there is a clean way

still hoping there is a real solution
