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How to configure Jitsi-meet framework in iOS swift project to enable video call service?

标签: iosjitsijitsi-meet


EDIT : This is also working for Xcode Version 12.2 (12B45b) on Mac OS Big Sur.

For anyone who want to embed jitsi meet iOS SDK with swift app, Following steps worked for me in Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C505)

  1. Clone the jitsi-meet repository from Github
  2. install the necessary dependencies using npm install
  3. install the necessary pods using, cd ios && pod install && cd ..
  4. Then execute the following command to build up jitsi meet framework files. xcodebuild -workspace ios/jitsi-meet.xcworkspace -scheme JitsiMeet -destination='generic/platform=iOS' -configuration Release archive
  5. Above command will generate JitsiMeet.framework folder inside \ios\sdk. (if you see a shortcut here, Please navigate to original location.)
  6. Create a new folder (Something like frameworks) inside your project and copy JitsiMeet.framework to that folder
  7. Navigate to node_modules/react-native-webrtc/ios/WebRTC.framework and copy WebRTC.framework to frameworks folder inside your app.
  8. Then navigate to Targets > Your project and navigate to Link Binary with Libraries and press little plus button and select Add files from the dropdown menu in the bottom and add the JitsiMeet.framework and WebRTC.framework from frameworks folder inside your project. Link Binary with Libraries
  9. Remember to change ENABLE_BITCODE to NO and Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to YES
  10. Navigate to Targets > General and change the Frameworks, Libraries and Embed Content and change the Embed to Embed without signing or Embed with signing Embed without signing
  11. Voila ! now import JitsiMeet and you are good to go.

For more information refer Jitsi Handbook
