首页 > 解决方案 > How to return an existing ir.actions.act_window from Python in Odoo 10?


What I need

If the user clicks on my button, take him to different views of different models depending on a field of the current record.

What I did

I have declared a type object button to call a Python method. Inside it, I check the field. If its value is A, I redirect him to the model X and if its value is B, I redirect him to the model Y.

The code

def my_button_method(self):
    if self.my_field == 'A':
        action_id = self.env.ref(
        return action_id.__dict__
    elif self.my_field == 'B':
        action_id = self.env.ref(
        action_id = False
    if action_id:
        return action_id.__dict__

If I write this after the definition of action_id:


I get the right values. So, after googling I saw that __dict__ gives you a dictionary whose keys are the attributes of the object and whose values the values of those attributes.

But the code is giving an error because action_id.__dict__ doesn't return a dictionary with the expected attributes of the action and its values, but the following instead:

    '_prefetch': defaultdict(
        <type 'set'>,
            'ir.actions.act_window': set([449])
    'env': <odoo.api.Environment object at 0x7f0aa7ed7cd0>,
    '_ids': (449,)

Can anyone tell me why? I'm trying to avoid this code:

def my_button_method(self):
    if self.my_field == 'A':
        action_id = self.env.ref(
    elif self.my_field == 'B':
        action_id = self.env.ref(
    if action_id:
        return {
            'name': action_id.name,
            'type': action_id.type,
            'res_model': action_id.res_model,
            'view_type': action_id.view_type,
            'view_mode': action_id.view_mode,
            'search_view_id': action_id.search_view_id,
            'help': action_id.help,

May be there is a much better solution using a server action, if so, does anyone know how?

标签: pythonxmlodooodoo-10



action = self.env.ref('my_module.my_ir_actions_act_window_A').read()[0]
return action

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编辑:这也应该适用于 Odoo 7-14
