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I don't fully get the restrictions for database names on couchdb, when I try to create a name like !abcdef/user-context-81a5c7e396 I get the error

Create database failed: Name: '!abcdef/user-context-81a5c7e396'. Only lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9), and any of the characters _, $, (, ), +, -, and / are allowed. Must begin with a letter.

and pretty much it is because of the exclamation mark at the beginning, but I had no problem creating the database !abcdef/_users, so is something special about the _users?

I could remove the exclamation mark but this is from a project with many references to that name.

I'm using couchdb 2.2.0 and this behavior happened using curl and Fauxton

标签: couchdb



该错误现已修复,因此应在 CouchDB 2.3.0 中更正此行为。
