首页 > 解决方案 > Python 脚本无法从 C# 或运行 .py 启动


在您将此标记为转发之前,请阅读我的问题 xD 我无法找到我的特定问题的任何答案。

我正在尝试从 C# 程序启动 Python 脚本。现在我已经制作并测试了我的 Python 脚本,当从我的 IDE (Visual Studio 2017) 运行它时,它可以完美运行。现在,当我尝试从我的 C# 程序中将其作为进程执行时,会短暂出现一个命令提示符(当我简短地说它更像是在屏幕上闪烁时),但我的脚本没有运行。

我的 python 脚本的代码:

import os
import shutil
from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.table import Table
from pptx.text.text import TextFrame
from pptx.text.text import Pt
from pptx.dml.color import RGBColor

#Get ressources dir:
currentWorkingDir = os.getcwd()
ressourceDir = currentWorkingDir[:-31 ]

#Open files and read into variables
agendaInputFile = open(ressourceDir + "agendaInputs.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")

agendaInputs = agendaInputFile.readlines()

agendaTimesFile = open(ressourceDir + "agendaTimes.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")

agendaTimes = agendaTimesFile.readlines()

meetingTitleFile = open(ressourceDir + "meetingTitle.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")

meetingTitle = meetingTitleFile.readline()

presentersFile = open(ressourceDir + "presenters.txt", "r", encoding = "utf8")

presenters = presentersFile.readlines();

#Opens the template ppt-file
prs = Presentation(ressourceDir + "agendaTemplate.pptx")

#selects the first slide
slide = prs.slides[0]

#Sets the meetingtitle
title = slide.shapes[1]
title.text = meetingTitle[:-1]

#finds the table
graphicFrame = slide.shapes[2]
table = graphicFrame.table

#sætter agendapunkterne
i = 0
while i < len(agendaInputs):
    cell = table.cell(i+1,1)
    textFrame = cell.text_frame
    run = textFrame.paragraphs[0].add_run()
    font = run.font
    font.name = 'TSTAR PRO'
    font.size = Pt(16)
    run.text = agendaInputs[i][:-1]
    font.color.theme_color = 5
    i += 1

#Sætter agendatiderne
i = 0
while i < len(agendaTimes):
    cell = table.cell(i+1,0)
    textFrame = cell.text_frame
    run = textFrame.paragraphs[0].add_run()
    font = run.font
    font.name = 'TSTAR PRO'
    font.size = Pt(16)
    run.text = agendaTimes[i][:-1]
    font.color.theme_color = 5
    i += 1

#Sætter presenter
i = 0
while i < len(presenters):
    cell = table.cell(i+1,2)
    textFrame = cell.text_frame
    run = textFrame.paragraphs[0].add_run()
    font = run.font
    font.name = 'TSTAR PRO'
    font.size = Pt(16)
    run.text = presenters[i][:-1]
    font.color.theme_color = 5
    i += 1

#saves the ppt
prs.save("Agenda Slide.pptx")

#File is deleted from the desktop if present there
if os.path.exists("Agenda Slide.txt"):
    os.remove("Agenda Slide.txt")

#File moved to the desktop
shutil.move(os.getcwd() + "\\Agenda Slide.pptx", os.path.join(os.environ["HOMEPATH"], "Desktop") + "\\Agenda Slide.pptx")

现在,正如我所说,当我从我的 IDE 启动它时,它就像一个魅力。

我在 python 脚本中打开和读取的文件是由我的 C# 程序写入的。这是一种将变量从我的 C# 传输到我的 Python 的低技术方式,我知道,这不是很漂亮.. xD

在我的 c# 程序中,这是我启动脚本的方式:

private void runPythonScript()
            Process p = new Process(); // create process (i.e., the python program
            p.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Python34\python.exe";
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
            p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = getRessourcesDir() + "createAgendaPPT\\createAgendaPPT\\createAgendaPPT.py";                  

该函数getRessourcesDir()只返回解决方案中 Ressources 文件夹的目录。


我需要帮助:如何使 python 脚本可以从它的 .py 文件启动,以及如何从 C# 启动它。


标签: c#pythonprocess


Try running python script from a command window.

        Process cmdProcess;
        StreamWriter cmdStreamWriter;
        StreamReader cmdStreamReader;
        cmdProcess = new Process();
        cmdProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
        cmdProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        cmdProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        cmdProcess.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;
        cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

        cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

        cmdStreamWriter = cmdProcess.StandardInput;
        cmdStreamReader = cmdProcess.StandardOutput;

        cmdStreamWriter.WriteLine("python xxxx.py");
