首页 > 解决方案 > CSS adjacent sibling selector fails when parent element class is added


Fiddle demonstrating issue

This works perfectly

.content-wrapper.row-fluid + .footer.row-fluid {
    margin-top: 40px;

This successfully targets the sibling correctly only on page with body classed path-frontpage

.path-frontpage .footer.row-fluid {} 

And this works for the div above footer on page with body classed path-frontpage

.path-frontpage .content-wrapper.row-fluid {}

But this does not set the footer margin-top to zero on page with body classed path-frontpage. Chrome inspector shows the first rule is in effect. Why? Or rather - how do I get the margin negated just on pages with body class path-frontpage ?

.path-frontpage .content-wrapper.row-fluid + .path-frontpage .footer.row-fluid {
    margin-top: 0px;

标签: htmlcss


True usage

.path-frontpage .content-wrapper.row-fluid + .footer.row-fluid {
    margin-top: 0px;

For your code to work, html should was like this.

div { border:1px solid #ff0000; height: 30px; }

.content-wrapper.row-fluid + .footer.row-fluid {
    margin-top: 40px;

.path-frontpage .content-wrapper.row-fluid + .path-frontpage .footer.row-fluid {
    margin-top: 0px;
<body class="path-frontpage">
<div class="content-wrapper row-fluid">wrapper
<div class="path-frontpage"> <!-- I added -->
<div class="footer row-fluid">footer
