首页 > 解决方案 > Scala class isn't deserialised correctly by Angular HttpClient


I have the following trait and classes in Scala:

sealed trait Algorithm {
  val name: String
  val formula: String
  val parameters: Seq[AlgorithmParameter[Any]]

  def enhanceAlgorithm[T](algorithm: T): Unit

case class LinearRegressionAlgorithm(override val name: String, override val formula: String) extends Algorithm {}
case class GeneralizedLinearRegressionAlgorithm(override val name: String, override val formula: String) extends Algorithm {}

sealed abstract class AlgorithmParameter[+T](val name: String, val value: T, val selectOptions: Seq[T]) extends EnumEntry

object AlgorithmParameter extends Enum[AlgorithmParameter[AnyVal]] with CirceEnum[AlgorithmParameter[AnyVal]] {

  case object MaxIter extends AlgorithmParameter[Int]("maxIter", 100, Seq())


I created in TypeScript the corresponding classes which look like this:

export abstract class Algorithm {

  readonly name: string;
  readonly formula: string;
  readonly parameters: AlgorithmParameter<any>[];

  protected constructor(name: string, formula: string, parameters: AlgorithmParameter<any>[]) {
    this.name = name;
    this.formula = formula;
    this.parameters = parameters;

export class LinearRegressionAlgorithm extends Algorithm {}
export class GeneralizedLinearRegressionAlgorithm extends Algorithm {}

export class AlgorithmParameter<T> {

  readonly name: string;
  readonly value: T;
  readonly selectOptions: T[];

 constructor(name: string, value: T, selectOptions: T[]) {
   this.name = name;
   this.value = value;
   this.selectOptions = selectOptions;

What I'm doing is making a REST request to the backend (Scala part) which returns a sequence of the type Seq[Algorithm] and I expect that the response will be correctly translated into the Typescript classes, but it doesn't

The REST method looks as follows:

recommend<T extends Algorithm>(body: RecommenderRequest): Observable<T[]> {

 return this.http.post<T[]>(environment.baseUrl + this.recommenderPath + this.algoRecommendationsPath, JSON.stringify(body))
  .catch((error: any) => Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error'))

The response is translated into an array looking as follows:

enter image description here

It seems that the TS algorithm-objects have been created, but they are encapsulated inside another object and I can't access in an easy way

In order to get the name of the first algorithm, the call looks as follows: response[0].LinearRegressionAlgorithm.name, but I would like to have the Http-response array created in such a way that it would be possible to simply write response[0].name

标签: angularscalatypescripttraitsangular-httpclient


Angular 不会创建这些类型的对象。只是被告知这就是打字。您的 Scala 程序正在返回正在显示的数据。您将需要对每个结果进行映射操作以获取正确的对象。


recommend<T extends Algorithm>(body: RecommenderRequest): Observable<T[]> {
  return this.http.post<T[]>(environment.baseUrl + this.recommenderPath + this.algoRecommendationsPath, JSON.stringify(body)).pipe(
    map(algorithms => algorithms.map(algorithm => this.toAlgorithm(algorithm)),
    catchError(error => Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error'))

private toAlgorithm(algorithm: { [type: string]: Partial<Algorithm> }): Algorithm {
  const type = Object.keys(algorithm)[0];
  const name = algorithm[type].name;
  const formula = algorithm[type].formula;
  const parameters = (algorithm[type].parameters || [])
    .map(parameter => this.toParameter(parameter));

  switch (type) {
    case 'LinearRegressionAlgorithm':
      return new LinearRegressionAlgorithm(name, formula, parameters);

    case 'GeneralizedLinearRegressionAlgorithm':
      return new GeneralizedLinearRegressionAlgorithm(name, formula, parameters);

      throw new Error('Unsupported algorithm');

private toParameter(paramerter: Partial<AlgorithmParameter<any>>): AlgorithmParameter<any> {
  return new AlgorithmParameter<any>(parameter.name, parameter.value, parameter.selectedOptions);


recommend<T extends Algorithm>(body: RecommenderRequest): Observable<T[]> {
  return this.http.post<T[]>(environment.baseUrl + this.recommenderPath + this.algoRecommendationsPath, JSON.stringify(body)).pipe(
    map(algorithms => algorithms.map(algorithm => Object.values(algorithm)[0]),
    catchError(error => Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error'))

