首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从方法中获取消息


我想将控制台 IO 应用程序(总和计数)重写为 messenger-bot。让我在递归中StdIn.readLine()得到下一个输入数字。

object HelloCountBot extends TelegramBot with Polling with Commands {
  def go(number: Long, chatId: Long): IO[Long] =
    for {
      input <- ??? /*here I need get the next number*/
      acc <- input.toLong match {
        case 0L => sendMessageMethodIO(chatId, "The sum is:") *> IO(0L)
        case _ => go(number + 1, chatId)
      acc <- IO(acc + input.toLong)
    } yield acc

  /*input point for every new message*/
  override def onMessage(message: Message) = message.text match {
    case Some(text) if text == "start" => go(1, message.chat.id)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = HelloCountBot.run()

如何组织代码以从方法 onMessage 的递归中获取下一条消息,并返回 Unit。

标签: scalarecursionscala-catsfor-comprehension


我在https://github.com/bot4s/telegram中没有找到任何以您想要的方式接收消息的方法。所以我认为最好的选择是创建有状态的机器人,如下例所示:https ://github.com/bot4s/telegram/blob/master/examples/src/StatefulBot.scala 。


object HelloCountBot
  extends TelegramBot
    with Polling
    with Commands
    with PerChatState[Long] {

  override def onMessage(message: Message): Future[Unit] = {

    implicit val msg = message

    message.text match {
      case Some(text) if text == "start" =>
        Future {
      case Some(value) if value == "0" =>
        withChatState {
          sum =>
            reply(s"The sum is ${sum.getOrElse(0L)}")
              .map(_ => clearChatState)

      case Some(value) =>
        withChatState {
          mayBeSum =>
            Future {
                sum => setChatState(sum + value.toLong)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = HelloCountBot.run()

它使用 Futures,但如果您愿意,可以将其重写为 IO。
