首页 > 解决方案 > 在 MSSQL 中选择带有条件的上一行和下一行


ID   BegCha EnCha   Val
10      20  30      250
10      30  40      140
10      50  60      189
20      10  20      250
20      20  30      157
20      30  40      199
20      40  50      70

查找 value 大于 249 的所有行

select * from table where Val >249
select One row previous and one row after if the values are 50 of 250
select * from table where id in (select * from table where Val >249) and Val > 149


ID   BegCha EnCha   Val
10      20  30      250
10      30  40      140
10      50  60      189
20      10  20      250
20      20  30      157

标签: sql-serverselect



create table prueba(
    id int ,
    BegCha int,
    EndCha int,
    Val int);


id  BegCha  EndCha  Val
10  20      30      250
10  30      40      140
10  50      60      189
20  10      20      250
20  20      30      157
20  30      40      199
20  40      50      70


WITH pruebaNumerada AS  
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id ASC) AS RowNumber,
      id, BegCha, EndCha, val
    FROM prueba 
SELECT b.id, b.BegCha, b.EndCha, b.val
FROM pruebaNumerada a  
inner  join pruebaNumerada b on b.RowNumber  between a.RowNumber-1 and a.RowNumber+1
WHERE a.val >=250;  


id  BegCha  EndCha  val
10  20      30      250
10  30      40      140
10  50      60      189
20  10      20      250
20  20      30      157
