首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 JSON 没有被解组到我的 Java 类中?


我正在使用 Spring Boot 和 RestTemplate 从内部服务获取数据。我返回的 JSON 响应没有被解组到我的对象中,我无法弄清楚原因。(我正在使用其他类似的 REST API 并且这些 API 正在工作,所以我以前做过。)


public ChecklistResponse getCurrentStatus(String studentId) {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = createRestTemplate();
    HttpHeaders httpHeaders = this.createHeaders();
    String url = this.createItemStatusUrl(studentId);
    ResponseEntity<ChecklistResponse> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET,
            new HttpEntity<>(httpHeaders), ChecklistResponse.class);
    ChecklistResponse checklistResponse = responseEntity.getBody();
    return checklistResponse;

整个对象树很大,所以我不能在这里真正展示出来。ChecklistResponse 很简单,不过:

public class ChecklistResponse {

    private HttpStatus httpStatus;
    private String responseType;
    private Response response;

    public ChecklistResponse() {

    ... getters/setters, equals, hashCode, toString ...

JSON 响应的开头如下所示:

    "httpStatus": {
        "code": "200",
        "description": "OK"
    "responseType": "namespaceURI=\"http://bmeta.xxx.com/student/studentChecklistV0.xsd\" element=\"studentChecklist\"",
    "response": {
        "studentChecklist": {
            "identifier": {


我的问题是,我该如何调试这个问题?我试过启用杰克逊调试,但没有产生任何结果。我在整个 ChecklistResponse 类中设置了断点,但它没有命中任何一个。

标签: javajsonspring-bootjackson



 public ChecklistResponse(){}


Another thing to look at is if the issue is a result of the values in the JSON object, ex, unescaped quotation etc .. try to make a unit test with a mocked object with trivial values but none empty/null ones and see if that test can pass or not, case sensitive issues sometimes cause this to fail as well, set break points in the getters/setters, these should be called in the process, make sure they are public as well as the classes themselves, final thing I can think of is the circular reference, make sure you don't have that as well in your object as this will cause issues.
