首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么这个共同祖先解决方案具有更好的最坏情况性能?




import com.foo.graphstrees.BinaryTreeNodeWithParent;

   Find the first common ancestor to 2 nodes in a binary tree.
public class FirstCommonAncestorFinder {

    public BinaryTreeNodeWithParent find(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent p, BinaryTreeNodeWithParent q) {

        int delta = depth(p) - depth(q);
        BinaryTreeNodeWithParent first = delta > 0 ? q: p; // use shallower node
        BinaryTreeNodeWithParent second = delta > 0 ? p: q; //use deeper

        second = goUp(second, delta); // move up so they are level, if 1 node is deeper in the tree than the other, their common ancestor obviously cannot be below the shallower node, so we start them off at the same height in the tree

        //keep going up the tree, once first == second, stop
        while(!first.equals(second) && first !=null && second !=null) {
            first = first.getParent();
            second = second.getParent();

        return first == null || second == null ? null : first;


    private int depth(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent n) {
        int depth = 0;
        while (n != null) {
            n = n.getParent();
        return depth;

    private BinaryTreeNodeWithParent goUp(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node, int delta) {

        while (delta > 0 && node != null) {
            node = node.getParent();
        return node;


import com.foo.graphstrees.BinaryTreeNodeWithParent;

public class FirstCommonAncestorImproved {

    public BinaryTreeNodeWithParent find(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent root,
                                         BinaryTreeNodeWithParent a,
                                         BinaryTreeNodeWithParent b) {

        if (!covers(root, a) || !covers(root, b)) {
            return null;
        } else if (covers(a, b)) {
            return a;
        } else if (covers(b, a)) {
            return b;

        var sibling = getSibling(a);
        var parent = a.getParent();

        while (!covers(sibling, b)) {
            sibling = getSibling(parent);
            parent = parent.getParent();
        return parent;

    private BinaryTreeNodeWithParent getSibling(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node) {
        if (node == null || node.getParent() == null) return null;
        var parent = node.getParent();
        return node.equals(parent.getLeft()) ? node.getRight() : node.getLeft();

    private boolean covers(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent root,
                           BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node) {

        if (root == null) return false;
        if (root.equals(node)) return true;
        return covers(root.getLeft(), node) || covers(root.getRight(), node);


标签: javaalgorithmtreetime-complexityancestor





请注意,通常情况下,您可以通过以空间换取速度来获得渐近更快的算法。维护一组节点。从两个起始节点以交替的步骤向上遍历,添加到集合中,直到找到一个已经存在的节点。那是共同的祖先。给定集合操作为 O(1),该算法为 O(k),其中 k 是从共同祖先到最远起始节点的路径长度。你不能做得更好。

Set<Node> visited = new HashSet<>();
while (a != null && b != null) {
  if (visited.contains(a)) return a;
  if (visited.contains(b)) return b;
  a = a.parent();
  b = b.parent();
while (a != null) {
  if (visited.contains(a)) return a;
  a = a.parent();
while (b != null) {
  if (visited.contains(b)) return b;
  b = b.parent();
return null;
