首页 > 解决方案 > 无法跟踪代码的逻辑和输出包括 dup() dup2() 和 fork()




有人可以跟踪这段代码并为我绘制文件描述符数组吗?提前致谢 ..

main() {
    char buf[1024];
    int fd_foo = open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_foo != 4) {
        dup2(fd_foo, 4);

    int fd_bar = open("bar.txt", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_bar != 0) {
    switch (fork()) {
    case -1: exit(1);
    case 0:
        dup2(4, 5);
        execl("child", "child", (char *)NULL);
        read(4, buf, 1);
        write(1, buf, 1);
} // main


int main() {
    char buf[3];
    read(5, buf, 1);
    write(1, buf, 1);
    read(0, buf, 3);

    write(1, buf, 3);

标签: cforkdup


让我们main()先看看主文件中的 ,然后看看main()子文件中的流程。

在开始之前,让我们回顾一下 C 应用程序在 Linux 下启动时的标准文件句柄分配,来自stdout(3) - Linux 手册页

在程序启动时,与流 stdin、stdout 和 stderr 关联的整数文件描述符分别为 0、1 和 2。预处理器符号 STDIN_FILENO、STDOUT_FILENO 和 STDERR_FILENO 在 . (将 freopen(3) 应用于这些流之一可以更改与流关联的文件描述符编号。)

接下来让我们回顾一下dup()系统调用的作用,来自DUP(2) Linux Programmer's Manual

dup() 系统调用创建文件描述符 oldfd 的副本,使用编号最小的未使用文件描述符作为新描述符。

成功返回后,新旧文件描述符可以互换使用。它们引用相同的打开文件描述(参见 open(2)),因此共享文件偏移量和文件状态标志;例如,如果在其中一个文件描述符上使用 lseek(2) 修改了文件偏移量,则另一个文件描述符的偏移量也会改变。


main() {
    char buf[1024];

    // open the file foo.txt and then dup() the file handle received from the open()
    // to be file handle number 4. Close the original file handle received.
    int fd_foo = open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_foo != 4) {
        dup2(fd_foo, 4);

    // at this point the file handle 4 refers to the file foo.txt

    // open the file bar.txt and make sure that the file handle received is file handle
    // handle 0. if not then we close file handle 0 and dup the file handle to bar.txt
    // File handle 0 is Standard Input or STDIN.
    int fd_bar = open("bar.txt", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_bar != 0) {
        // Since dup() looks for the lowest numbered file descriptor and we have
        // just closed file descriptor 0, the result of dup() is to now have the
        // file bar.txt to also be accessed through file handle 0.
    // at this point we have the following file assignments:
    //  - file handle 0 which was to Standard In is now file bar.txt
    //  - file handle 1 is to Standard Out
    //  - file handle 2 is to Standard Error
    //  - file handle 4 is to file foo.txt

    // now do a fork and the forked process will then execute the program whose
    // source code is in the child source file. the child process will
    // inherit our open file handles since we did not specify otherwise.
    switch (fork()) {
    case -1: exit(1);       // if error just exit.
    case 0:
        // we be the forked process so we now
        //  - dup file handle 4 to file handle 5 and close 4
        //  - load in the child process on top of ourselves
        //  - loaded child process will inherit our open file handles
        dup2(4, 5);
        execl("child", "child", (char *)NULL);
        // at this point we now jump to the source code of the child source file
        // we are the parent process so now lets just wait for the child to
        // finish. Once it has finished we will then do some final file I/O
        // then exit.
        // Note: while the forked process closed file handle 4, the parent process
        //       has not so file handle 4 is still valid for the parent.
        read(4, buf, 1);     // read 1 character from file foo.txt
        write(1, buf, 1);    // write it to Standard Output
} // main



  • 文件句柄 5 附加到打开的文件 foo.txt
  • 文件句柄 0 附加到打开的文件 bar.txt
  • 文件句柄 1 附加到标准输出


int main() {
    char buf[3];
    read(5, buf, 1);    // read one character from foo.txt, the letter "a" from the string "abcdef"
    write(1, buf, 1);   // write it to Standard Out
    read(0, buf, 3);    // read three characters from bar.txt, the string "567"

    write(1, buf, 3);   // write them to Standard out

所有这些的结果是以下 I/O。

  • 主进程启动、设置文件描述符、分叉并加载子进程

  • 主进程等待子进程完成

  • 子进程从文件 foo.txt 中读取“a”,而“bcdef”未读。

  • 子进程将“a”写入标准输出

  • 子进程从文件 bar.txt 中读取“567”,没有任何未读内容

  • 子进程将“567”写入标准输出

  • 子进程退出

  • 主进程继续运行

  • 主进程从文件 foo.txt 中读取“b”,留下“cdef”未读

  • 主进程将“b”写入标准输出

  • 主进程退出

其结果是“a567b”被这两个合作进程写入标准输出。它们共享相同的两个文件,尽管 foo.txt 由两个不同的文件描述符访问,并且它们共享相同的标准输出。
