首页 > 解决方案 > aws cloudformation:Engine版本升级时如何防止Aurora RDS被替换?


我们使用的是通过 Cloudformation 预置和配置的 Aurora RDS。这是模板中的相关片段:

Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster
  DeletionProtection: true
  Engine: aurora
  EngineVersion: 5.6.1

现在我们要将引擎版本升级到 5.6.2。文档说 EngineVersion 上的更新需要替换,这意味着清除所有数据。 有没有办法安全地更新版本?

标签: amazon-cloudformationamazon-aurora


Use aws rds modify-db-cluster API in this case instead of depending on Cloudformation's "stack modification". Resource modification's that are marked as "requires Replacement" depends on the service to handle the replacement. It might be worth trying that on a test cluster - just to see how Aurora's cloudformation support handles it. But if this is a one time fix up, then I highly recommend against it. Just use the CLI, fix your cluster, and then fix your CFN templates. Hope this helps!
