首页 > 解决方案 > 将对象文字分配给打字稿泛型类型


我正在构建一个接口,其中我将拥有一个带有任意键的对象,每个键都是实现接口FormConditions的类的实例。Condition我想将此对象文字分配给一个变量,并让结果对象的类型 A) 仅响应对象文字中的键,并且 B) 尊重这些键中的每一个可能具有的任何子类化或其他扩展。


interface Condition {
    name: string
    id: number

type FormConditions<T extends Record<string, Condition>> = {
    [P in keyof T]: T[P]

class SimpleCondition implements Condition {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number) {}

class ListCondition<T> implements Condition {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number, public entries: T[]) {}

// This is a passthrough function just to make the types work
function makeFormConditions<T extends Record<string, Condition>>(obj: T): FormConditions<T>  {
    return obj;

// Would prefer to avoid the function call to make types work
const conditions = makeFormConditions({
    simpleOne: new SimpleCondition('simpleOne', 1),
    simpleTwo: new SimpleCondition('simpleTwo', 2),
    list: new ListCondition('list', 3, ['foo', 'bar'])

// This works but is redundantly verbose
// const conditions : FormConditions<{
//     simpleOne: SimpleCondition;
//     simpleTwo: SimpleCondition;
//     list: ListCondition<string>;
// }> = {
//     simpleOne: new SimpleCondition('simpleOne', 1),
//     simpleTwo: new SimpleCondition('simpleTwo', 2),
//     list: new ListCondition('list', 3, ['foo', 'bar'])
// }
// would instead prefer to not use the function or be
// really specific about the type declaration:
// const conditions : FormConditions = {
//     simpleOne: new SimpleCondition('simpleOne', 1),
//     simpleTwo: new SimpleCondition('simpleTwo', 2),
//     list: new ListCondition('list', 3, ['foo', 'bar'])
// }

conditions.simpleOne.entries // error, as expected


标签: typescripttypescript-generics




的定义Condition可以扩展为接受一个可选entries数组,这样FormConditions<E, T extends Record<string, Condition<E>>>可以同时包含SimpleConditionsListConditions。这具有不希望的副作用,即实例SimpleCondition可能会引用缺失的entries属性而不会出错。

interface Condition<E> {
    name: string
    id: number
    entries?: E[]

type FormConditions<E, T extends Record<string, Condition<E>>> = {
    [P in keyof T]: T[P]

class SimpleCondition<E = never> implements Condition<E> {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number) {}

class ListCondition<E> implements Condition<E> {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number, public entries: E[]) {}

const conditions: FormConditions<string, Record<string, Condition<string>>> = {
    simpleOne: new SimpleCondition('simpleOne', 1),
    simpleTwo: new SimpleCondition('simpleTwo', 2),
    list: new ListCondition('list', 3, ['foo', 'bar'])

conditions.simpleOne.entries;  // Expected error; however, no error, since `entries` is optional parameter.


由于受到限制,因此在Condition尝试访问. 但是,在 的上下文中,引用 的实例会导致错误,因为类型已缩小为。entriesSimpleConditiontype FormConditions<E, T extends Record<string, Condition>>ListConditionentriesCondition

interface Condition {
    name: string
    id: number

type FormConditions<E, T extends Record<string, Condition>> = {
    [P in keyof T]: T[P]

class SimpleCondition<E = never> implements Condition {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number) {}

class ListCondition<E> implements Condition {
    constructor(public name: string, public id: number, public entries: E[]) {}

const conditions: FormConditions<string, Record<string, Condition>> = {
    simpleOne: new SimpleCondition('simpleOne', 1),
    simpleTwo: new SimpleCondition('simpleTwo', 2),
    list: new ListCondition('list', 3, ['foo', 'bar'])

conditions.list.entries; // Error: Property 'entries' does not exist on type 'Condition'.
conditions.simpleOne.entries; // error (as expected - Good)
