首页 > 解决方案 > 基于二维布尔数组的打印


我在尝试从二维布尔数组中打印数据时遇到了一些麻烦。这个练习的重点是创建一个迷宫游戏,其中布尔值 true 和 false 分别指示空间是否被阻塞,S 表示开始,G 表示目标。我不明白为什么,但是当迷宫打印时,它似乎认为数组的每个值都是真的,即使我之前已经设置了从文本文件中读取的数组的值。


package solution;

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;

 * A maze game.
 * @author Dominick Pulsone
 * @version August 29th 2019
public class MazeGame
     * The size of each side of the game map.
private final static int HEIGHT = 19;
private final static int WIDTH = 39;

 * The game map, as a 2D array of ints.
private boolean[][] blocked;

 * The current location of the player vertically.
// TODO: add field here.
private int userRow;
 * The current location of the player horizontally.
// TODO: add field here.
private int userCol;
 * The scanner from which each move is read.
// TODO: add field here.
private Scanner moveScanner;
 * The row and column of the goal.
// TODO: add fields here.
private int goalRow;
private int goalCol;
 * The row and column of the start.
// TODO: add fields here.
private int startRow;
private int startCol;
 * Constructor initializes the maze with the data in 'mazeFile'.
 * @param mazeFile the input file for the maze
public MazeGame(String mazeFile)
    // TODO
    moveScanner = new Scanner(System.in);

 * Constructor initializes the maze with the 'mazeFile' and the move 
 * scanner with 'moveScanner'.
 * @param mazeFile the input file for the maze
 * @param moveScanner the scanner object from which to read user moves
public MazeGame(String mazeFile, Scanner moveScanner)
    // TODO
    this.moveScanner = moveScanner;

 * getMaze returns a copy of the current maze for testing purposes.
 * @return the grid
public boolean[][] getMaze()
    if (blocked == null)
        return null;
    boolean[][] copy = new boolean[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
    for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
            copy[i][j] = blocked[i][j];
    return copy;

 * setMaze sets the current map for testing purposes.
 * @param maze
 *            another maze.
public void setMaze(boolean[][] maze)
    this.blocked = maze;

 * getUserRow returns the value in the userRow field.
 * @return the row the user is in
public int getUserRow()
    return userRow;

 * setUserRow sets the row the user is currently in.
 * @param userRow the row value
public void setUserRow(int userRow)
    this.userRow = userRow;

 * getUserCol returns the value in the userCol field.
 * @return the column the user is in
public int getUserCol()
    return userCol;

 * setUserCol sets the column the user is currently in.
 * @param userCol the column value
public void setUserCol(int userCol)
    this.userCol = userCol;

 * getStartCol returns the value in the startCol field.
 * @return the column the start is at
public int getStartCol()
    return startCol;

 * setStartCol sets the column the start is in.
 * @param startCol the column value
public void setStartCol(int startCol)
    this.startCol = startCol;

 * getStartRow returns the value in the startRow field.
 * @return the row the start is in
public int getStartRow()
    return startRow;

 * setStartRow sets the row the start is in.
 * @param startRow the row value
public void setStartRow(int startRow)
    this.startRow = startRow;

 * getGoalCol returns the value in the goalCol field.
 * @return the column the goal is at
public int getGoalCol()
    return goalCol;

 * setgoalCol sets the column the goal is in.
 * @param goalCol the column value
public void setGoalCol(int goalCol)
    this.goalCol = goalCol;

 * getGoalRow returns the value in the goalRow field.
 * @return the row the goal is in
public int getGoalRow()
    return goalRow;

 * setGoalRow sets the row the goal is in.
 * @param goalRow the row value
public void setGoalRow(int goalRow)
    this.goalRow = goalRow;

 * getMoveScanner returns the scanner moveScanner.
 * @return the scanner moveScanner

public Scanner getMoveScanner()
    return moveScanner;

 * setMoveScanner sets the Scanner moveScanner.
 * @param moveScanner the Scanner
public void setMoveScanner(Scanner moveScanner)
    this.moveScanner = moveScanner;

 * Function loads the data from the maze file and creates the 'blocked' 
 * 2D array.
 * @param mazeFile the input maze file.
// TODO: private void loadMaze(String mazeFile)
private void loadMaze(String mazeFile)
    blocked = new boolean[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
        File file = new File(mazeFile);
        Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(file);           
        int c = 0;
        while (fileScanner.hasNext()) 
            String character = fileScanner.next();
            switch (character) 
                case "S":
                    startRow = c / WIDTH;
                    startCol = c % WIDTH;
                    blocked[c / WIDTH][c % WIDTH] = false;
                case "G":
                    goalRow = c / WIDTH;
                    goalCol = c % WIDTH;
                    blocked[c / WIDTH][c % WIDTH] = false;
                    blocked[c / WIDTH][c % WIDTH] = 
    catch (Exception e)
 * Actually plays the game.
public void playGame()


 * Checks to see if the player has won the game.
 * @return true if the player has won.
// TODO: public boolean playerAtGoal()
public boolean playerAtGoal()
    return false;
 * Makes a move based on the String.
 * @param move
 *            the direction to make a move in.
 * @return whether the move was valid.
public boolean makeMove(String move)
    // TODO
    return false;

 * Prints the map of the maze.
public void printMaze()
    // TODO
    for (int i = 0; i < blocked.length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < blocked[i].length; j++)
            if (i == startRow && j == startCol)
            else if (i == goalRow && j == goalCol)
            else if (blocked[i][j] = true)
            else if (blocked[i][j] = false)
                System.out.print(" ");

 * Creates a new game, using a command line argument file name, if one is
 * provided.
 * @param args the command line arguments

public static void main(String[] args)
    String mapFile = "data/easy.txt";
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    MazeGame game = new MazeGame(mapFile, scan);


|SX X X X |




标签: javaarrays




else if (blocked[i][j] = true)

else if (blocked[i][j] = false) 


else if (blocked[i][j] == true)

else if (blocked[i][j] == false)


else if (blocked[i][j])

else if (!blocked[i][j])
