首页 > 解决方案 > 我应该在哪里实例化我的“票”以防止它们都变成相同的价格?


我有一个销售活动门票的程序,尤其是“戏剧”。门票以 10.0 的基值开始,并乘以 priceFactor。我的价格因素工作正常,但门票最终都取走了最终门票价格的价值。

我尝试在 Event 类和 Play 类的 addTicket 方法(stackoverflowerror)和 Ticket 构造函数中实例化一个 Ticket 对象(Ticket tick = new Ticket(this);...因为它需要一个 Event 的参数),但没有成功. 我注意到的是,在不添加任何实例的情况下,我的票证对象 serialNumbers 仍然增加,所以我不确定为什么如果*它正在创建一个新的票证对象,为什么我的所有票证最终都以相同的价格结束。

public class Play extends Event {

     * Creates a Play object with the description and price factor.
     * @param description the description of the play
     * @param priceFactor the price factor for the play
        public Play(String description, double priceFactor) {
            super(description, priceFactor);


     * Creates a play with the given description and a price factor of 1.0.
     * @param description the description of the play
    public Play(String description) {
        this(description, 1.0);

     * Adds a ticket to the list of tickets sold for this Play object. It also
     * adjusts the price factor.
     * @param ticket the Ticket object to be added
     * @return true iff the Ticket object could be added.
     * @throws NoSpaceException 
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException 
    public boolean addTicket(Ticket ticket) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NoSpaceException {

        double i = this.getPriceFactor();
        if (this.getTickets().size() < 3) {
        else if (this.getTickets().size() == 3) {
            super.setPriceFactor(i * 1.2);
            i = super.getPriceFactor();
        else if (this.getTickets().size() == 4) {
            super.setPriceFactor(i * 1.2);
        return true;
     * Returns a String representation.
    public String toString() {
        return "Play" + " " + super.getEventId() + " " + super.getDescription() + " " + super.getPriceFactor();

    public abstract class Event {
    private String description;
    protected int ticketsSold;
    private int eventId;
    private double priceFactor;
    private static int counter = 1;
    private static final int CAPACITY = 5;
    private ObservableList<Ticket> tickets = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

     * Stores the description and price factor and assigns a unique id to the event.
     * The constructor also allocates the array tickets.
     * @param description a description of this Play
     * @param priceFactor the price factor for this Play
    public Event(String description, double priceFactor) {
        this.description = description;
        this.priceFactor = priceFactor;
        this.eventId = computeSerialNumber();

     * Receives the description and stores that and a price factor of 1.0. Besides,
     * it assigns a unique id to the event. The constructor also allocates the array
     * tickets.
     * @param description a description of this Play
    public Event(String description) {
        this(description, 1.0);

     * Returns the unique id of the play
     * @return id of the play
    public int getEventId() {
        return eventId;

     * Returns the tickets list
     * @return the tickets list
    public ObservableList<Ticket> getTickets() {
        return tickets;

     * Sets the price factor for the event.
     * @param priceFactor the new price factor
    public void setPriceFactor(double priceFactor) {
        this.priceFactor = priceFactor;

     * Computes and returns the total proceeds for this event.
     * @return total proceeds

    public double getProceeds() {
        double sum = 0;
        for (Ticket t : tickets) {
            sum += t.getPrice();
        return sum;

     * Compares this Play with object. Follows the semantics of the equals method in
     * Object.
    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        if (this == object)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int hashcode() {
        return this.eventId;

     * Returns the description of the Play object
     * @return description
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

     * Returns the price factor
     * @return price factor
    public double getPriceFactor() {
        return priceFactor;

     * Setter for description
     * @param description the new description
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

     * Returns a unique serial number. This is a helper method.
     * @return serial number
    private int computeSerialNumber() {
        int i = counter;
        return i;

     * Adds a ticket to the list of tickets sold for this Play object.
     * @param ticket the Ticket object to be added
     * @return true iff the Ticket object could be added.
     * @throws NoSpaceException 
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException 

    public boolean addTicket(Ticket ticket) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NoSpaceException {
        if (tickets.size() == CAPACITY)
            return false;
        return true;

     * Returns a String representation of this Event object
    public String toString() {
        return description + " " + eventId;


    public class Ticket {

    private static int counter = 1;
    private int serialNumber;
    private double price;
    private static double PRICE = 10.0;
    private Event event;

     * Creates a ticket for an event. An exception is thrown if there is no space.
     * @param event the event for which the ticket is being created.
     * @throws NoSpaceException
    public Ticket(Event event) throws NoSpaceException, UnsupportedOperationException { 

            this.event = event;
            this.serialNumber = computeSerialNumber();

     * Returns the price of the ticket
     * @return ticket price
    public double getPrice() {
        price = Ticket.PRICE * event.getPriceFactor();
        return price;

     * Generates a String representation of the Ticket.
    public String toString() {
        return "Ticket serialNumber = " + serialNumber + ", " + "price =" + this.getPrice();

     * Creates a serial number for the ticket.
    private static int computeSerialNumber() {
        int i = counter;
        return i;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedOperationException, NoSpaceException {
        double a,b,c,d,e;

        Play p = new Play("p1", 1.0);
        Ticket tick = new Ticket(p);
        Ticket tick2 = new Ticket(p);
        Ticket tick3 = new Ticket(p);
        Ticket tick4 = new Ticket(p);
        Ticket tick5 = new Ticket(p);


        a = tick.getPrice();
        b = tick2.getPrice();
        c = tick3.getPrice();
        d = tick4.getPrice();
        e = tick5.getPrice();


订单的预期结果 [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.399]

实际结果 [14.399, 14.399, 14.399, 14.399, 14.399]

标签: java


DerMolly 将 pricefactor 带入 Ticket 类的答案的替代方法是仅计算创建时的价格,而不是每个 getPrice:

    public Ticket(Event event) throws NoSpaceException, UnsupportedOperationException { 

        this.event = event;
        this.price = Ticket.PRICE * event.getPriceFactor();
        this.serialNumber = computeSerialNumber();


    public double getPrice() {

        return price;

