首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有更有效的方法来对这些字典进行排序


所以我查询了一个数据库来创建一个名为“活动”的集合,这些调用具有相关的问题和相关的日期。如果活动日期是 0-3 个月、4-12 个月或超过一年,我需要返回前 3 个问题。我创建了一个算法,但出于学习目的,我认为可能有更好的方法来有效地对这些活动进行分类。这是我的代码

var activities = ctx.Activities.Where(a => a.SiteID == propID && a.ActivityTypeName == "Call" && a.ParcelData.Parcel_LetterTracking.LMailDate != null)       
    .Select(x => new 
       callDate = x.DateTimeEntry,
       mailDate = x.Contact.OwnerContact.ParcelDatas.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OwnerContactID == x.Contact.OwnerContact.OOwnerID).Parcel_LetterTracking.LMailDate,
       question = x.FAQs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActivityID == x.ActivityID).FAQ_Library.FaqNum  + " - " + 
                  x.FAQs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActivityID == x.ActivityID).FAQ_Library.Question       

// create a dictionary of Key = the question and Value = the count of occurences in activities for each time frame. 
Dictionary<string, int> calls3month = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> calls6month = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, int> calls12month = new Dictionary<string, int>();
// counters for number of calls between each range
int numberOfCalls3Months = 0; 
int numberOfCalls4to6Months = 0;
int numberOfCalls12Months = 0;
foreach (var call in activities)
    // if calldate - maildate is 3 months, 4-12 months or 12+ months 
    TimeSpan deltaOfDates = call.callDate.Subtract((DateTime)call.mailDate); 
    if (deltaOfDates.Days < 91 && deltaOfDates.Days > 0)
        if (calls3month.TryGetValue(call.question, out int count))
            calls3month[call.question] = count + 1;
        else {
            calls3month.Add(call.question, 1);
    else if (deltaOfDates.Days < 365 && deltaOfDates.Days >= 91)
        if (calls6month.TryGetValue(call.question, out int count))
            calls6month[call.question] = count + 1;
            calls6month.Add(call.question, 1);
    else if (deltaOfDates.Days >= 365)
        if (calls12month.TryGetValue(call.question, out int count))
            calls12month[call.question] = count + 1;
            calls12month.Add(call.question, 1);
//grab top 3 questions asked. Key = the question, value = the frequency
var topCalls3month = calls3month.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value).Take(3).ToArray();
var topCalls6month = calls6month.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value).Take(3).ToArray();
var topCalls12month = calls12month.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value).Take(3).ToArray();

当我枚举活动集合时,对这些进行排序会更快吗?If(dictionary.value is in the top 3 将其添加到列表顶部) 我可以使用什么策略来做到这一点?

最后,当我使用 orderbyDescending 时,我觉得这效率低下,应该从 foreach 循环中对字典进行排序/

标签: c#sortingdata-structures


您可以通过在结果字典上OrderByDescending运行选择算法来避免排序(即)。快速选择是一种 O(n) 算法,它在渐近上比排序更有效。您可能可以在网上找到很多实现。

