首页 > 解决方案 > 仅在 ComboBox 中自动调整下拉列表内容的大小



我找到了一个帖子,它可以满足我的需求,但它是针对数组列表的。 Excel ComboBox - 仅自动调整下拉列表。我正在从 Excel 页面中的单个列填充我的列表。

Private Sub ConfigureComboBox()
    Dim arrData, arrWidths
    Dim x As Long, y As Long, ListWidth As Double
    arrData = ComboBox1.List
    ReDim arrWidths(UBound(arrData, 2))
    For x = 0 To UBound(arrData, 1)
        For y = 0 To UBound(arrData, 2)
            If Len(arrData(x, y)) > arrWidths(y) Then arrWidths(y) = Len(arrData(x, y))
    For y = 0 To UBound(arrWidths)
        arrWidths(y) = arrWidths(y) * ComboBox1.Font.Size
        ListWidth = ListWidth + arrWidths(y)
    With ComboBox1
        .ColumnCount = UBound(arrWidths) + 1
        .ColumnWidths = Join(arrWidths, ";")
        .ListWidth = ListWidth
    End With
End Sub


我正在尝试这样做。 组合框保持表单上的大小,但下拉列表更大以在我的列中显示完整的文本。

标签: excelvbauserform




  1. 定义所需的数据范围(1 列),
  2. 将列项分配给变量数组,
  3. 获取单个字符串长度并提取例如 10 个最长的字符串作为测试集,
  4. 通过动态创建的隐藏文本框在循环中自动调整此集的大小,并将所有数据分配给组合框的.List属性。
Sub ConfigureCombo(ByRef myComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox, _
                   mySheet As Worksheet, _
                   Optional myCol$ = "A", _
                   Optional myFontSize# = 10, Optional Startrow& = 2)
' Purpose: assign autosized items to combobox (by testing the n longest items)
' Note:    neglects a possible title row by default if no explicit Startrow argument is passed
' Author:  T.M. 2019-11-15 (https://stackoverflow.com/users/6460297/t-m)
  ' [1] Define data range and set object to memory
    Dim rng As Range, lastRow&
    lastRow = mySheet.Range(myCol & mySheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set rng = mySheet.Range(myCol & Startrow & ":" & myCol & lastRow)  ' e.g. Sheet1.Range("B2:B6")
  ' [2] Get strings
    Dim v                                               ' declare variant array to hold strings
    v = rng.Value2                                      ' assign data to 1-based 2-dim array
  ' [3] Get string lengths
    Dim lengths                                         ' declare variant array to hold lengths
    lengths = Application.Transpose(Evaluate("len('" & _
              rng.Cells.Parent.Name & "'!" & rng.Address & ")"))
  ' [4] Autosize e.g. the 10 longest strings via testing text box created on the fly
    With Me.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "myTextBox") ' testing text box on the fly
        myComboBox.Font.Size = myFontSize                ' assign identical font sizes
        .Font.Size = myFontSize                          '
        .Top = -100                                      ' hide newly created textbox

        Dim n&, pos&, optWidth#
        For n = 1 To 10                                  ' check e.g. the 10 longest strings
            If n > UBound(lengths) Then Exit For         ' escape if less items than n
            pos = Application.Match(Application.Large(lengths, n), _
                lengths, 0)                              ' find nth position in lengths array
            lengths(pos) = lengths(pos) + 0.01           ' remove current length from lengths set
            .Text = v(pos, 1)                            ' enter next longest string to test textbox
            .AutoSize = True                             ' autosize test string
            If .Width + 6 > optWidth Then optWidth = .Width + 6
        Next n
    End With
  ' [5] Correct to final combobox width and assign data
    myComboBox.Width = optWidth                         ' assign best fit width
    myComboBox.List = v                                 ' assign data to combobox
End Sub


使用工作表CodeName(例如Sheet1)的可能示例调用,指的是数据列B以及 16 磅的字体大小,可能如下(您可能希望通过命令按钮单击事件或也从初始化事件调用它):

ConfigureCombo Me.ComboBox1, Sheet1, myCol:="B", myFontSize:=16         
