首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 github 操作上使用 Maven 构建并存储 python 输出


I have a repository (protobuf stuff) that I build with Maven and it puts python package in a directory if you install it locally. I'd like to build this on a push to GitHub and have this directory created or a python package I can pip install from created. I've been trying GitHub actions but I can't quite figure out that. Any thoughts? I'm exploring sub modules next. Goal is to have python repository always being working with the latest data from this other repository that creates a python package I'm using.

标签: pythonmavengithubbuildgithub-actions


如果这是一个让您理解的广泛问题,我深表歉意。但我认为最后一句话是真正的问题:目标是让 python 存储库始终使用来自另一个存储库的最新数据,该存储库创建我正在使用的 python 包。

无论如何,我使用 https://github.com/ad-m/github-push-action解决了它

允许我将从 Maven 构建生成的新文件推送到我的 Python 存储库。这样,每当有人签入存储库 A 时,新的 Python 文件当然会在通过测试后被推送到存储库 B。谢谢。
