首页 > 解决方案 > S3 - 从 Post S3 Upload lambda 函数获取元数据


我正在使用s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params)and 为我的参数生成一个预签名的 URL

var params = {
    Bucket: bucketName,
    Key: photoId + "-" + photoNumber + "-of-" + numberImages + ".jpeg",
    Expires: signedUrlExpireSeconds,
    ContentType: contentType,
    Metadata : { testkey1 : "hello" }

我试图在我的 S3 成功上传 lambda 函数中接收元数据,但它没有出现。有谁知道为什么?上传成功,对于我打印的日志,我收到了除元数据标签之外的所有内容:


"Records": [
        "eventVersion": "2.1",
        "eventSource": "aws:s3",
        "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
        "eventTime": "2020-01-15T06:51:57.171Z",
        "eventName": "ObjectCreated:Put",
        "userIdentity": {
        "requestParameters": {
        "responseElements": {
            "x-amz-request-id": "4C32689CE5B70A82",
            "x-amz-id-2": "AS0f97RHlLW2DF6tVfRwbTeoEpk2bEne/0LrWqHpLJRHY5GMBjy/NQOHqYAMhd2JjiiUcuw0nUTMJS8pDAch1Abc5xzzWVMv"
        "s3": {
            "s3SchemaVersion": "1.0",
            "configurationId": "9a9a755e-e809-4dbf-abf8-3450aaa208ed",
            "bucket": {
                "name": ,
                "ownerIdentity": {
                    "principalId": "A3SZPXLS03IWBG"
            "object": {
                "key": "BcGMYe-1-of-1.jpeg",
                "size": 19371,
                "eTag": "45c719f2f6b5349cc360db9a13d0cee4",
                "sequencer": "005E1EB6921E08F7E4"

标签: amazon-web-servicesamazon-s3aws-lambda


这是s3 事件消息结构。消息结构最初不包含元数据。


如果收到事件,您将通过s3 head-object命令获取元数据。bucket-nameobject-key

         "eventTime":The time, in ISO-8601 format, for example, 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, when Amazon S3 finished processing the request,
            "x-amz-request-id":"Amazon S3 generated request ID",
            "x-amz-id-2":"Amazon S3 host that processed the request"
            "configurationId":"ID found in the bucket notification configuration",
               "eTag":"object eTag",
               "versionId":"object version if bucket is versioning-enabled, otherwise null",
               "sequencer": "a string representation of a hexadecimal value used to determine event sequence, 
                   only used with PUTs and DELETEs"
         "glacierEventData": {
            "restoreEventData": {
               "lifecycleRestorationExpiryTime": "The time, in ISO-8601 format, for example, 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, of Restore Expiry",
               "lifecycleRestoreStorageClass": "Source storage class for restore"
