首页 > 解决方案 > 是否有一个 VBA 函数需要内置常量的名称并返回相应的值?



目前我使用 select-case-statement,这对我来说似乎很乏味。

Dim strInput As String
strInput = "xlDashDotDot"

Dim nConstVal As Integer

Select Case strInput
    Case "xlContinuous"
        nConstVal = xlContinuous

    Case "xlDash"
        nConstVal = xlDash

    Case "xlDashDot"
        nConstVal = xlDashDot

    Case "xlDashDotDot"
        nConstVal = xlDashDotDot

    Case "xlDot"
        nConstVal = xlDot

    Case "xlDouble"
        nConstVal = xlDouble

    Case "xlLineStyleNone"
        nConstVal = xlLineStyleNone

    Case "xlSlantDashDot"
        nConstVal = xlSlantDashDot
End Select


rng.Borders.LineStyle = nConstVal


Dim strInput As String
strInput = "xlDashDotDot"

Dim nConstVal As Integer

nConstVal = GetConstVal(strInput)

标签: vbafunctionconstants


工具 - 参考资料 - TypeLib Information


Option Explicit

' Cache this variable on module level to not reload it on each call
Private mLib As TLI.TypeLibInfo

Private Function EnumValueFromString(ByVal Constants As TLI.Constants, ByVal EnumName As String, ByVal EnumValueName As String) As Variant
  EnumValueFromString = Constants.NamedItem(EnumName).GetMember(EnumValueName).Value
End Function

Sub Test()
  With New TLI.TLIApplication
    Set mLib = .TypeLibInfoFromFile(Application.Path & "\EXCEL.EXE")
  End With

  Debug.Print EnumValueFromString(mLib.Constants, "XlLineStyle", "xlDashDot")
  Debug.Print EnumValueFromString(mLib.Constants, "XlLineStyle", "xlDashDotDot")
  Debug.Print EnumValueFromString(mLib.Constants, "XlLineStyle", "xlDot")
End Sub
