首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 SSL 在 R 中设置 httr cURL 句柄


我在 SOAPUI 中有一个成功的 SOAP 请求,我正在尝试使用httr包将其转换为 R 代码。在 SOAPUI 中,我对 SSL 设置所要做的就是为 KeyStore 提供一个指向 PKCS#12 文件的文件路径,然后为 PKCS#12 文件提供一个纯文本密码作为 KeyStore 密码。使用此设置,一切正常。

在 R 中,由于httruses curl,据我了解,我需要.pem从捆绑的 PKCS#12 文件中提取客户端 SSL 证书和 SSL 密钥作为两个文件。所以我使用以下 OpenSSL 命令提取了它们:

openssl pkcs12 -in "path to .p12 file" -passin pass:******** -clcerts -nokeys -out "path to new cert.pem"
openssl pkcs12 -in "path to .p12 file" -passin pass:******** -nodes -nocerts -out "path to new key.pem"

然后,在我的httr::POST请求中,我包含了这个config选项来指向.pem文件,以便可以正确定义 curl 句柄(我只是临时设置ssl_verifypeer = F,因此我可以消除由于 CA 捆绑包而出现错误的可能性):

config(ssl_verifypeer = F, sslcert = "path to new cert.pem", sslkey = "path to new key.pem")


Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs 
when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed). More detail may be available in the Windows 
System event log.


标签: rcurlopenssllibcurlhttr



# request made with certificate and key as plain text
res <- POST("the_url_goes_here",
            config = config(sslcert = "certificate_path", sslkey = "key_goes_here_as_plain_text"), 
            verbose(data_out = F, data_in = F, info = T, ssl = F)) # this is quite helpful to debug if something goes wrong

# you can also read in the certificate separately
cert <- openssl::read_p12(file = "cert_path", password = "key_goes_here")

# since there are different type of certificates that are handled differently by curl, this table of options might be helpful as well
# it shows what is the corresponding parameter in httr to the one in curl

# here is what a curl command could look like
curl --data "@name_of_the_file_goes_here.json" --cert "name_of_the_certificate_goes_here.pfx" --key "password_goes_here" https://url.com

