首页 > 解决方案 > 如何检查我的 Discord.Net 机器人是否已连接到语音通道



我的音频服务 .cs 文件中的代码

public async Task<IAudioClient> ConnecttoVC(SocketCommandContext ctx)
            SocketGuildUser user = ctx.User as SocketGuildUser;
            IVoiceChannel chnl = user.VoiceChannel;
            if(chnl == null)
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Not connected!");
                return null;
            await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Joining Voice!");
            return await chnl.ConnectAsync();

标签: c#asynchronousaudioconsolediscord.net


VoiceChannel我知道你说你在使用 的属性加入和离开机器人时遇到问题CurrentUser,但我需要我的机器人知道它是否与执行命令的用户在同一个频道中。所以我采用了这种方法,到目前为止测试时没有任何问题。我想我会在这里为任何试图弄清楚如何做到这一点的人分享我的代码。我已经评论了代码,所以希望它应该很容易理解。

public async Task<IAudioClient> ConnectAudio(SocketCommandContext context)
    SocketGuildUser user = context.User as SocketGuildUser; // Get the user who executed the command
    IVoiceChannel channel = user.VoiceChannel;

    bool shouldConnect = false;

    if (channel == null) // Check if the user is in a channel
        await context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Please join a voice channel first.");
    } else
        var clientUser = await context.Channel.GetUserAsync(context.Client.CurrentUser.Id); // Find the client's current user (I.e. this bot) in the channel the command was executed in
        if (clientUser != null)
            if (clientUser is IGuildUser bot) // Cast the client user so we can access the VoiceChannel property
                if (bot.VoiceChannel == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Bot is not in any channels");
                    shouldConnect = true;
                else if (bot.VoiceChannel.Id == channel.Id)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Bot is already in requested channel: {bot.VoiceChannel.Name}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Bot is in channel: {bot.VoiceChannel.Name}");
                    shouldConnect = true;
            Console.WriteLine($"Unable to find bot in server: {context.Guild.Name}");

    return (shouldConnect ? await channel.ConnectAsync() : null); // Return the IAudioClient or null if there was no need to connect
