首页 > 解决方案 > 要求用户输入一个字符串以表明他有更多的数据要输入,或者他是否完成了


一切正常,但我需要帮助制作一个循环,使用户能够输入所有食物和食物的值。另外,有些代码无法在这里发布,所以我截取了它。 https://prnt.sc/r6nptj

    System.out.println("Are you male or female? (M/F)");
     gender = kboard.next();

     System.out.println("Enter your weight in lbs.");
     weight = kboard.nextDouble();

     System.out.println("Enter your height in inches.");
     height = kboard.nextDouble();

     System.out.println("Enter your age in years.");
     age = kboard.nextDouble();

     BMRw = 655+(4.35 * weight)+(4.7 * height)-(4.7 * age);

     BMRm = 665+(6.23 * weight)+(12.7 * height)-(6.8 * age);

     boolean isMale = gender.startsWith("M");
     if (isMale == true) {
         BMRm = 665+(6.23 * weight)+(12.7 * height)-(6.8 * age);
         System.out.println(" Your Basal Metabolism Rate is " + BMRm);

         double noExercise = (BMRm * 1.2);
    System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you don't engange in exercise is "  + noExercise);

    double lightExercise = (BMRm * 1.375);
    System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you engange in light exercises one to three days a week " + lightExercise);

    double intensely = (BMRm * 1.725);
    System.out.println(" Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you exercise intensely six to seven days a week " + intensely);

     double activeJob = (BMRm * 1.9);
     System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you exercise intensely six to seven days a week while having a physically active job " + activeJob); 


     else {
         BMRw = 655+(4.35 * weight)+(4.7 * height)-(4.7 * age);
         System.out.println(" Your Basal Metabolism Rate is " + BMRw);

         double noExercise = (BMRw * 1.2);
            System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you don't engange in exercise is "  + noExercise);

            double lightExercise = (BMRw * 1.375);
            System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you engange in light exercises one to three days a week " + lightExercise);

            double moderateExercise = (BMRw * 1.55);
            System.out.println(" Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you exercise moderately three to five times a week " + moderateExercise);

            double intensely = (BMRw * 1.725);
            System.out.println(" Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you exercise intensely six to seven days a week " + intensely);

            double activeJob = (BMRw * 1.9);
             System.out.println("Your Basal Metabolism Rate when you exercise intensely six to seven days a week while having a physically active job " + activeJob);

} }

标签: java


好的,所以我也是新手,但我学到的是你可以在你的代码周围放置一个 do...while 循环。

   //put all your code you want in the loop here
   //Then, add this:
   System.out.print("Would you like to enter more data? (Y/N)");
   char answer1 = Expo.enterChar(); //The expo class is a separate class that you will 
                                    //need to download/import. You can also look at the
                                    //Expo.html file that I will attach the link for at 
                                    //the end to see if you can do it in a different way.
while(answer1 == 'N')
   System.out.println("\nThank you for your input.");


enterChar() 允许在文本窗口中从键盘输入字符。示例: System.out.print("你的中间名首字母是什么?--> "); char middleInitial = Expo.enterChar(); 检索在键盘上输入的第一个字符并将其存储在 char 变量 middleInitial 中。
