首页 > 解决方案 > 在后面插入节点时出现 LinkedList 分段错误


我是 C 新手,我正在尝试创建一个 LinkedList 来存储来自 rawRecipe 数组(标有“1”)的成分。但是,我似乎遇到了分段错误。通过进行一些初步诊断,它似乎来自 insertIngredientAtBack 函数,但我无法确定在哪里。你能告诉我我在俯瞰什么吗?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

char *rawRecipes[]={

"0Broccoli Coleslaw",

"1olive oil",

"1white vinegar",


"0Creamy Broccoli Salad",


"1white sugar",

"1red onion",

"1white wine vinegar",

"0Minnesota Broccoli Salad",



"1red onion",



#define MAXRECIPES 30 /* max # of recipes */
#define MAXINGREDIENTTYPES 250 /* max # of ingredient types */
#define MAXINGREDIENTS 250 /* max # of ingredients all recipes */
#define MAXCHARS 100 /* max characters for recipe or ingredient*/
#define INGMAX 25 /* max ingredient count per recipe*/

// structure declarations

struct Ingredient {

    char IngName[MAXCHARS];
    char recipe[MAXRECIPES][MAXCHARS]; //unused member for now.
    int recipeNum;
    struct Ingredient* next;


typedef struct Ingredient Ingredients;

typedef struct linkedListIngredient {

    Ingredients* head;

} linkedListIngredient;

typedef struct {


} records;

Ingredients* createIngredientNode(char value[]) {

    Ingredients* newNode = (Ingredients*)malloc(sizeof(Ingredients));

    if (newNode != NULL) {
        strcpy(newNode->IngName, value);
        newNode->next = NULL;
        newNode->recipeNum = 0;
        return newNode;

    printf("Failed to create an ingredients node\n");


bool IngredientNodeEmpty(linkedListIngredient* list2) {

    if (list2->head == NULL) {
        return true;

    else {
        return false;

// append a struct to the back of LinkedList
bool insertIngredientAtBack(linkedListIngredient* list2, char value[]) {

    Ingredients* current = list2->head;

    if (IngredientNodeEmpty(list2)) {
        list2->head = createIngredientNode(value);
        return true;

    else {
        while (current->next != NULL) {
            current = current->next;
        current->next = createIngredientNode(value); 

        if (current->next != NULL) {
            return true;

        else {
            printf("Failed to add Ingredient at back\n");

void convertInputToDataStructure(linkedListIngredient* list2, records* items){

    char ingredientList[MAXINGREDIENTTYPES][MAXCHARS];
    int index;
    int globalIndex;

    // Code to find Ingredients and store them in ingredientList.
    for(index = 0, globalIndex = 0; (strcmp(items->recipe[globalIndex],"") != 0); globalIndex++) {

        if(strncmp(items->recipe[globalIndex], "1", 1) == 0) {
            strcpy(ingredientList[index], (items->recipe[globalIndex])+1);
            printf("%s\n", ingredientList[index]);


    printf("%d\n", index);
        // creating a  duplicated Ingredient LinkedList:
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        // evaluating and checking the function to add LinkedList for Ingredient
        insertIngredientAtBack(list2, ingredientList[i]);

void ListAllIngredients(linkedListIngredient* list2) {

    Ingredients* current = list2->head;

    int counter = 1;

    while(current->next != NULL) {

        printf("Ingredient #%d: %s\n", counter, current->IngName);
        current = current->next;

    printf("Recipe #%d: %s\n", counter, current->IngName);


int main(void) {

    // instantiating the structures for linkedlist access
    linkedListIngredient list2;

    // holds database for ingredients and recipes
    records items;

    // copying all values from rawRecipies.h
    int i;
    for(i = 0; (strcmp(rawRecipes[i], "") != 0); i++) {
        strcpy(items.recipe[i], rawRecipes[i]);

    // first move data from rawRecipes.h to a data structure
    convertInputToDataStructure(&list2, &items);


    return 0;


标签: cstructlinked-listsegmentation-fault

