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我正在尝试通过一本名为Practical C++ Metaprogramming的书进入 TMP,但我一直在尝试推导出第一个示例...



我不明白为什么会出现这个问题,因为构建输出中的 Function 签名似乎模棱两可,足以识别具有 specialization 的参数的类型<Return(Args...)>。我不明白为什么这个结构不会用正确的成员生成,using type = std::tuple<Args...>;这似乎是所有这一切的关键。


#include <tuple>

// base template
template<typename Function>
struct makeTupleOfParams;

// template specialization to identify parameters
template <typename Return, typename... Params>
struct makeTupleOfParams<Return(Params...)>
    using type = std::tuple<Params...>;

// shortcut to identify type of parameters
template <typename Function>
using tupleOfParamTypes_t = typename makeTupleOfParams<Function>::type;

// function to unroll a tuple of parameters on a function
template <typename Function, typename Params, size_t... Index>
auto dispatchParams(Function f, Params p, std::index_sequence<Index...>)
    return f(std::get<Index>(p)...);

template <typename Function, typename... Params>
auto call(Function f, Params... p)
    // getting size of Params and argument types of Function
    constexpr size_t paramsCount = sizeof...(Params);
    tupleOfParamTypes_t<Function> params;

    return dispatchParams(f, params, std::make_index_sequence<paramsCount>());

auto f(int i, float j) -> decltype(i+j)
    return i + j;

void main()
    call(f, 1, 2.0);


1 > ------Build started : Project: TMP, Configuration : Debug Win32------
1 > main.cpp
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(40) : warning C4326 : return type of 'main' should be 'int' instead of 'void'
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(16) : error C2794 : 'type' : is not a member of any direct or indirect base class of 'makeTupleOfParams<Function>'
1 >     with
1 >     [
1 >         Function = float(__cdecl *)(int, float)
1 >     ]
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(28) : note: see reference to alias template instantiation 'tupleOfParamTypes_t<float(__cdecl *)(int,float)>' being compiled
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(41) : note: see reference to function template instantiation 'auto call<float(__cdecl *)(int,float),int,double>(Function,int,double)' being compiled
1 >     with
1 >     [
1 >         Function = float(__cdecl *)(int, float)
1 >     ]
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : error C2938 : 'tupleOfParamTypes_t' : Failed to specialize alias template
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(31) : error C2672 : 'dispatchParams' : no matching overloaded function found
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : error C2893 : Failed to specialize function template 'auto dispatchParams(Function,Params,std::integer_sequence<unsigned int,_Ix...>)'
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : note: With the following template arguments :
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : note: 'Function=float (__cdecl *)(int,float)'
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : note: 'Params=unknown-type'
1 > d:\git\meta - cpp - sandbox\src\main.cpp(26) : note: 'Index={0, 1}'
1 > Done building project "TMP.vcxproj" --FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up - to - date, 0 skipped ==========

标签: c++metaprogrammingtemplate-meta-programming


当你调用你的call函数时,你将函数f作为参数传递。但是 c++ 隐式地将参数转换为指向函数的指针。因此,在构造类型别名时,模板参数实际上是int(*)(int,float),而不是int(int,float)。由于这不满足部分特化模板的要求,编译器尝试从非特化模板为 makeTupleOfParams 构造类型别名。但是,非专用模板不包含类型别名“type”,这会导致编译错误。


template<typename Return, typename... Params>
struct makeTupleOfParams<Return(*)(Params...)> //pointer-to-function specialisation
    using type = std::tuple<Params...>;



template <typename Function, typename... Params>
auto call(Function f, Params... p)
    // getting size of Params and argument types of Function
    constexpr size_t paramsCount = sizeof...(Params);
    // modify function type to remove pointer trait
    tupleOfParamTypes_t<std::remove_pointer_t<Function>> params;

    return dispatchParams(f, params, std::make_index_sequence<paramsCount>());

