首页 > 解决方案 > 嵌套的 JS 装饰器获取/设置,如何正确链接它们?


ember框架积极地采用了装饰器。现在为了使用数据绑定,我必须装饰我的属性,@tracked每当我更改属性时,我都会使用它来更新我所有漂亮的 UI。

     @tracked username = 'dave';


    mapConfigsArray = [create(StateTrackMap)];


export default function typed(classType) {
    let weak = new WeakMap();
    return function(object, property, descriptor) {
        return {
            get() {
                // Check if there is another decorator attached below us in the chain
                // i.e. "tracked"
                if (typeof descriptor.get == 'function') {
                    return descriptor.get.call(this);
                // If we haven't initialized before but there is one ready, return that
                if (!weak.has(this) && typeof descriptor.initializer == 'function') {
                    weak.set(this, descriptor.initializer.call(this));
                return weak.get(this);
            set(value) {
                // my set code which does the type checking/converting this descriptor is for

                                // Apply the converted value to the lower level object
                // This may be the object itself, or it may be another setter in the chain
                if (typeof descriptor.set == 'function') {
                    descriptor.set.call(this, typedValue);
                } else {
                    return weak.set(this, typedValue);


    mapConfigsArray = [create(StateTrackMap)];
index.js:172 Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The options object passed to tracked() may only contain a 'value' or 'initializer' property, not both.



export default function typed(classType) {
    return function(object, property, descriptor) {
        const set = descriptor.set;
        const get = descriptor.get;
        const weak = new WeakMap();

        descriptor.get = function() {
            if (typeof get == 'function') {
                return get.call(this);
            // If we haven't initialized before but there is one ready, return that
            if (!weak.has(this) && typeof descriptor.initializer == 'function') {
                weak.set(this, descriptor.initializer.call(this));
            return weak.get(this);
        descriptor.set = function(value) {
            // My type checking / conversion code

            // Apply the converted value to the lower level object
            // This may be the object itself, or it may be another setter in the chain
            if (typeof set == 'function') {
                set.call(this, typedValue);
            } else {
                return weak.set(this, typedValue);
        return descriptor;


Assertion Failed: You attempted to use @tracked on mapConfigsArray, but that element is not a class field.

标签: javascriptember.jsglimmer.jsjavascript-decorators

