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基本问题是找到一个数组的最大子段,该数组在输入中没有至少一个 k 值。


using namespace std ;
#define ll long long int

void solve()
      // here the approach is to check from start and keep checking, it take O(n^2) approach but it 
      // should satisfy at least the sub-task but I am getting that too wrong, i.e only one of the
      // two sub-task is getting AC while other WA.
    ll i, j, n, k, ans=0, flag=0 ;
    scanf("%lld %lld", &n, &k) ;
    ll a[n+1] ;
    set <int> s ;
    for(i=0 ;i<n ;i++)
        scanf("%lld", &a[i]) ;
    for(i=0 ;i<n ;i++) // this is to start searching for the longest subsegment from start
        s.insert(a[i]) ; // this to keep the count of no. of flavours occuring
        for(j=i+1 ;j<n ;j++) // to continue checking 
            if(s.size()<k && flag==0) 
                s.insert(a[j]) ;
                if(s.size()==k) // if after adding it becomes that condition the size would be one less 
                    ans=max(ans,j-i) ;
                    flag=1 ;
                    ans=max(ans,j-i+1) ;
                s.clear() ;
                break ;
        flag=0 ;
    printf("%lld\n", ans);

int main()

    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false) ;
    cin.tie(NULL) ;
    ll t ;
    scanf("%lld", &t) ;
    while (t--)
        solve() ; // solving no. of test cases
    return 0 ;

标签: c++setc++14

