首页 > 解决方案 > 向 Discord Bot 添加更多参数?


我为我的 D&D 团队编写了一个基本的 Discord Bot。它允许我们使用命令来掷骰子并发送结果,而不是使用我们说我们掷什么的荣誉系统。但是,它有两个主要缺点:



我见过很多 Discord Bot,尤其是那些在 Youtube 上搜索音乐的机器人,它们在运行命令时可以有多个参数,例如“!play songname ”。我将如何使我的机器人可以具有多个参数,例如!roll(骰子类型,数量,修饰符)而不仅仅是!roll_d20?


import discord
from discord.ext import commands # used to create bot commands

import random # adding this fixed a problem, don't delete
from random import randint # generates random numbers for dice rolls

import sys # used to safely shut down the bot

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') # creates an instance of a bot
@bot.event # says when the bot should be ready as a message in the IDE
async def on_ready():
    print("Ready to roll!")

@bot.command() # allows users to test the response of the bot from Discord
async def test(ctx):
    await ctx.send('Ready to roll!'.format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d4 and shows the result
async def roll_d4(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,4)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d4 and got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d6 and shows the result
async def roll_d6(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,6)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d6 got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d8 and shows the result
async def roll_d8(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,8)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d8 got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d10 and shows the result
async def roll_d10(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,10)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d10 got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d12 and shows the result
async def roll_d12(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,12)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d12 got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d20 and shows the result
async def roll_d20(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,20)
    if x == 1:
        await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d20 and got a Nat 1!').format(ctx.author))
    elif x == 20:
        await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d20 and got a Nat 20!').format(ctx.author))
        await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d20 and got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # rolls a d100 and shows the result
async def roll_d100(ctx):
    x = random.randint(1,100)
    await ctx.send((str(ctx.author) + ', you rolled a d100 got a ' + str(x) + '!').format(ctx.author))

@bot.command() # shuts down the bot
async def stop(ctx):
    await ctx.send(("Logging out. See you next session!").format(ctx.author))


标签: pythondiscord.py


您可以轻松地将所有命令组合为一个,如下所示,我不知道 D&D,所以我不明白您所说的修饰符是什么意思。

async def dice(ctx, dice_type: int, amount: int):
    results = []
    for role in range(amount):
        x = random.randint(1, dice_type)

    await ctx.send(f'You have rolled {dice_type} for {amount} times and got {results}')

