首页 > 解决方案 > BST 旋转使一棵树与另一棵树相等


我有这个问题:给定两个非空二叉搜索树 T1 和 T2。T1 和 T2 存储相同的键。然而,这两种树的结构是不同的。实现一个算法,在 T1 上使用旋转使其与 T2 等价。也就是说,两棵树应该具有相同的结构。请注意,您只能在 T1 上使用旋转;您不得以任何其他方式修改树。


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class BST
     *  Problem: Perform rotations on tree1 to make it equivalent to tree2.
    public static void problem(BST tree1, BST tree2)
        // Implement me!
        //Base Case
        if(tree1 == null && tree2 == null){

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Do not change any of the code below!

    private class Node
        public Node left = null;
        public Node right = null;
        public Node parent = null;

        public int key;

        public Node(int key)
            this.key = key;

    private Node root = null;

    public int getRootKey()
        return root.key;

    private Node find(int key)
        for (Node cur = root; cur != null;)
            if (key < cur.key)
                cur = cur.left;
            else if (key == cur.key)
                return cur;
            else // key > cur.key
                cur = cur.right;

        return null;

    //     x            y
    //    / \          / \
    //   a   y   =>   x   c
    //      / \      / \
    //     b   c    a   b
    private void rotateL(Node xNode)
        Node xPar = xNode.parent;
        boolean isRoot = xPar == null;
        boolean isLChild = !isRoot && xPar.left == xNode;

        Node yNode = xNode.right;
        Node beta = yNode.left;

        if (isRoot) root = yNode;
        else if (isLChild) xPar.left = yNode;
        else xPar.right = yNode;

        yNode.parent = xPar;
        yNode.left = xNode;

        xNode.parent = yNode;
        xNode.right = beta;

        if (beta != null) beta.parent = xNode;

    //     y        x
    //    / \      / \
    //   x   c => a   y
    //  / \          / \
    // a   b        b   c
    private void rotateR(Node yNode)
        Node yPar = yNode.parent;
        boolean isRoot = yPar == null;
        boolean isLChild = !isRoot && yPar.left == yNode;

        Node xNode = yNode.left;
        Node beta = xNode.right;

        if (isRoot) root = xNode;
        else if (isLChild) yPar.left = xNode;
        else yPar.right = xNode;

        xNode.parent = yPar;
        xNode.right = yNode;

        yNode.parent = xNode;
        yNode.left = beta;

        if (beta != null) beta.parent = yNode;

    public void insert(int key)
        if (root == null)
            root = new Node(key);

        Node par = null;

        for (Node node = root; node != null;)
            par = node;

            if (key < node.key)
                node = node.left;
            else if (key > node.key)
                node = node.right;
            else // key == node.key
                // Nothing to do, because no value to update.

        // Create node and set pointers.
        Node newNode = new Node(key);
        newNode.parent = par;

        if (key < par.key) par.left = newNode;
        else par.right = newNode;

    public int[] getInOrder()
        if (root == null) return new int[] { };

        Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
        ArrayList<Integer> orderList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (Node node = root;;)
            if (node == null)
                if (stack.empty()) break;

                node = stack.pop();
                node = node.right;
                node = node.left;

        int[] order = new int[orderList.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++)
            order[i] = orderList.get(i);

        return order;

    public int[] getPreOrder()
        if (root == null) return new int[] { };

        Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
        ArrayList<Integer> orderList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (Node node = root;;)
            if (node == null)
                if (stack.empty()) break;

                node = stack.pop();
                node = node.right;
                node = node.left;

        int[] order = new int[orderList.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++)
            order[i] = orderList.get(i);

        return order;


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Lab1

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Do not change any of the code below!

    private static final int LabNo = 4;
    private static final String quarter = "Fall 2020";
    private static final Random rng = new Random(190718);

    private static boolean testProblem(int[][] testCase)
        int[] arr1 = testCase[0];
        int[] arr2 = testCase[1];

        // --- Build tree ---

        BST tree1 = new BST();
        BST tree2 = new BST();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++)

        int[] pre2 = tree2.getPreOrder();

        BST.problem(tree1, tree2);

        // --- Verify tree. ---

        int[] pre1 = tree1.getPreOrder();
        int[] in1 = tree1.getInOrder();

        if (in1.length != arr1.length) return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < in1.length; i++)
            if (in1[i] != i) return false;
            if (pre1[i] != pre2[i]) return false;

        return true;

    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println("CS 302 -- " + quarter + " -- Lab " + LabNo);

    private static void testProblems(int prob)
        int noOfLines = 100000;

        System.out.println("-- -- -- -- --");
        System.out.println(noOfLines + " test cases for problem " + prob + ".");

        boolean passedAll = true;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 1; i <= noOfLines; i++)
            boolean passed = false;
            boolean exce = false;

                int[][] testCase = createProblem(i);
                passed = testProblem(testCase);
            catch (Exception ex)
                passed = false;
                exce = true;

            if (!passed)
                System.out.println("Test " + i + " failed!" + (exce ? " (Exception)" : ""));
                passedAll = false;
System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
        if (passedAll)
            System.out.println("All test passed.");


    private static void shuffle(int[] arr)
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++)
            int rndInd = rng.nextInt(arr.length - i) + i;
            int tmp = arr[i];
            arr[i] = arr[rndInd];
            arr[rndInd] = tmp;

    private static int[][] createProblem(int testNo)
        int size = rng.nextInt(Math.min(200, testNo)) + 1;

        int[] numbers1 = new int[size];
        int[] numbers2 = new int[size];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            numbers1[i] = i;
            numbers2[i] = i;


        return new int[][] { numbers1, numbers2 };

标签: javarotationbinary-search-treenodessearch-tree


//I understand this is quite late but this is more for people who look now for this help

public static void problem(BST tree1, BST tree2)
    //if root is null then we've reached the end of a branch (base case)
    if(tree1.root == null || tree2.root == null)

    //finding the node we need to rotate to tree1's root to match 2nd tree
    Node match = tree1.find(tree2.getRootKey());

    //loop to rotate matched node until it becomes tree1's new root or parent of the root
    while(match != tree1.root && match != tree1.root.parent)
        //parent node of matched node we need to get to new position
        Node matchParent = match.parent;

        //move matched node we want up the levels of tree1
        //if matched node key is more than its parent then rotate parent left (which moves matched node up a level)
        //otherwise rotate the parent right (still moves matched node up a level)
        if(match.key > matchParent.key)

    //if the matched node becomes the parent of tree1's root, in the loop above, then we need to
    //change it so that the matched node is the root to line up with tree2
    if(match == tree1.root.parent)
        tree1.root = match;

    // recursively go through left tree
    // new BSTs to signify left subtrees
    BST leftTree1 = new BST();
    BST leftTree2 = new BST();

    leftTree1.root = tree1.root.left;
    leftTree2.root = tree2.root.left;
    problem(leftTree1, leftTree2);

    // recursively go through right tree
    // new BSTs to signify right subtrees
    BST rightTree1 = new BST();
    BST rightTree2 = new BST();

    rightTree1.root = tree1.root.right;
    rightTree2.root = tree2.root.right;
    problem(rightTree1, rightTree2);
