首页 > 解决方案 > 在 VBA Excel 中从二维数组构建数字链


有一张带数字的桌子。见 附件

第一列充当索引。它的编号为 0。它决定跳转到哪一行。在该行中选择了一个数字。通过这个数字,转到有这个数字的行。我们从新行中选择一个数字,依此类推。



例如,让我们从数字 1 开始。第一行包含唯一的数字 - 74。转到第 74 行。在第 74 行中选择第一列中的数字(第 0 列是行编号索引)。第 74 行的第一列没有任何内容,因此我们在以下各列中进一步查看。在第 2 列有一个数字 46。转到第 46 行。第 46 行的第一列有一个数字 19。转到第 19 行。等等。


如果代码可以返回一、二、... n 步并选择不同的路径,那就太好了。例如,在第一次通过时,代码从行中选择第一个数字并遇到死胡同,然后它返回并选择第二个或第三个并再次重复。我对如何在代码中做到这一点知之甚少。


我手动浏览了这个表,发现至少有两个序列在​​第 86 步循环(现在表中有 86 行),但附加的代码最多提供 73 个步骤。

我在 Excel 中编写了 VBA 代码。你可以在下面看到它。

Drive.Google 上的完整xls

请告诉我,我该如何解决这个问题。如果使用 VBA 无法解决此类问题,请给我一个建议,我应该使用哪种编程语言。

Function IsUnique(ByRef intArr() As Integer, intNum As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim intPart() As Integer
    ReDim intPart(1 To UBound(intArr)) As Integer
    For i = 1 To UBound(intArr)
        intPart(i) = intArr(i)
    QuickSortInteger intPart
    If (BinarySearchInteger(intPart, intNum) = -1) And (intNum <> 0) Then
        IsUnique = True
        IsUnique = False
    End If
End Function
Sub Main()
    Dim varIData() As Variant
    Dim intTemp(1 To 7) As Integer
    Dim intTempWOZeros() As Integer
    Dim intTempDSC(1 To 7) As Integer
    Dim intTempCount As Integer
    Dim intStore() As Integer
    Dim intIData(1 To 86, 1 To 7) As Integer

    Dim intBegin As Integer
    Dim intCurr As Integer
    Dim str As String
' Reads the given Excel table in a two-dimensional array
    varIData = Range("B1:H86").Value

' In the cycle, the data from the Variant-array tranfer to Integer-array, empty values is replaced by zeros
    For i = 1 To 86
        For j = 1 To 7
            If varIData(i, j) = "" Then
                intIData(i, j) = 0
                intIData(i, j) = CInt(varIData(i, j))
            End If
'   Searching for other paths of the solution
'   Reverse input array. The fisrt element became the last and the last - the first.

'    For i = 1 To 86
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intTemp(8 - j) = intIData(i, j)
'        Next
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intIData(i, j) = intTemp(j)
'        Next
'    Next

'   Sort rows entire values - ascending
'   I tried to change an order in numbers in each row

'    For i = 1 To 86
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intTemp(j) = intIData(i, j)
'        Next
'        QuickSortInteger intTemp()
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intIData(i, j) = intTemp(j)
'        Next
'    Next
'   Sort rows entire values - descending
'   I tried to change an order in numbers in each row

'    For i = 1 To 86
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intTemp(j) = intIData(i, j)
'        Next
'        QuickSortInteger intTemp()
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intTempDSC(8 - j) = intTemp(j)
'        Next
'        For j = 1 To 7
'            intIData(i, j) = intTempDSC(j)
'        Next
'    Next
' The 1st For
For Z = 1 To 86 ' Top level.
                ' 'For ... next' for each start number
                ' At the first iteration we take the number 1 and begin 
                ' form the 1st row, to build a sequence much posible as can
                ' At the 2nd iteratoin we take number two as the first number and begin
                ' form the 1st row, to build a sequence much posible as can

                ' We try go through the array every time starting with new row
                ' and do until we can add in a sequence new unique number

    i = Z
    ReDim Preserve intStore(1) ' Array in which we collect all number in a sequence
    intStore(1) = i ' Array initialization with value = i, just like starting with the i-th line,
                    ' and at i-th number we can not returm until amount of collecting number
                    ' will be less than an amount of rows in intIData-array 
                    ' If intIData-array has got 100 row, then we can return
                    ' at the begining row (wherever it be the 1st, the 49th or the 93th) at 100th iteration only
    m = 0

' The 2nd For
    For k = 1 To 85
        ReDim Preserve intStore(k + 1)
        intStore(k + 1) = -1
        ' We search any non-zero value
        ' We take this number from row selected from intIData
        m = 1
        intTempCount = 0
'       Count amount of zeros
'       Discard zeros
'       Copy one row form 2d-array to 1d-array. 1d-array consists 1 row from intIData data-array

' The 3rd For
        For count = 1 To 7
            intTemp(count) = intIData(i, count)
' The 3rd For End
'       Count amount of zeros. We arrange the array so that it initially contains non-zero values

        intTempCount = AllZerosAtEnd(intTemp())
        ReDim intTempWOZeros(1 To intTempCount)
'       Transferring to an array without zeros
' The 4th For
        For count = 1 To intTempCount
            intTempWOZeros(count) = intTemp(count)
' The 4th For End
        intCurr = intTempWOZeros(1)
        m = 1
        If IsUnique(intStore, intCurr) Then ' We check the uniqueness of the selected number if unique put it in the output array intStore
            intStore(k + 1) = intCurr
            i = intCurr                     ' and assign the variable i the value of this unique number, the next iteration of the loop will already analyze the string with this number
            If m <= intTempCount Then ' if there are still numbers in the intTempWOZeros row-array, then view other columns
' The 5th For
                For j = m To intTempCount ' select the next value from the array, increase m by 1 and exit the loop back to check the uniqueness
                    intCurr = intTempWOZeros(j)
                    m = j + 1
                    GoTo Povtor
                Next ' The 5th For End
                GoTo Metka
            End If
        End If

' The 2nd For End

Metka: ' To fill Excel sheet Search results, sheet created manually
    ActiveCell.Cells(3, Z).Select ' Applied from the 3rd line,
                                  ' in the first line is for an amount of found numbers
                                  ' the 2nd line is the blank
' The 6th For
    For x = 1 To UBound(intStore)
        If intStore(x) = -1 Then Exit For
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = intStore(x)
        ActiveCell.Cells(2, 1).Select
' The 6th For End

    ' Debug in Debug.Print to see what step the code is in
    ' In case of a loop or in case of too long execution, you can interrupt the execution
'    Debug.Print "Z: " & Z & vbCrLf
'    Debug.Print x - 1 & " numbers" & vbCrLf
' The 1st For End
End Sub

Function AllZerosAtEnd(intArray() As Integer) As Integer
    Dim intNumZeros As Integer
    Dim intTempArray(1 To 7) As Integer
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim i As Byte
    Dim position As Byte
    Dim intTemp As Integer
    intNumZeros = 0
    For i = 1 To 7
        If intArray(i) = 0 Then intNumZeros = intNumZeros + 1

    position = 1
    If intNumZeros <> 0 Then
        For i = 1 To 7
            If intArray(i) <> 0 Then
                intTempArray(position) = intArray(i)
                position = position + 1
            End If
    For i = 1 To 7
        intArray(i) = intTempArray(i)
    End If

    AllZerosAtEnd = 7 - intNumZeros
End Function

标签: arraysexcelvbasequence




Sub BuidChains()
    Dim vData As Variant
    Dim Ws As Worksheet, rstWs As Worksheet
    Dim a As Variant
    Dim n As Integer, sNum As Integer
    Dim Dic As Object
    Dim v As Variant
    Set Ws = Sheets("For_Macros")
    Set rstWs = Sheets("Sheet3") 'Sheets.Add 'set the result sheet
    vData = Ws.Range("B1:H86").Value
    For n = 1 To 86
        'find first value not empty
        For j = 1 To 7
            If vData(n, j) <> "" Then
                sNum = vData(n, j)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        a = ChainArray(n, vData, Dic, sNum)
        Debug.Print n & " : " & Join(a, ",")
        'Record it on the sheet.
        With rstWs
            .Cells(1, n) = UBound(a) + 1
            .Cells(3, n) = n
            .Cells(4, n).Resize(UBound(a)) = Application.Transpose(a)
            .Range("cj1") = "Max"
            .Range("cj2") = "Min"
            .Range("cM1").Resize(2).Value = "Start number"
            .Range("cK1") = WorksheetFunction.Max(.Range("a1").Resize(1, 86))
            .Range("cK2") = WorksheetFunction.Min(.Range("a1").Resize(1, 86))
            .Range("cn1") = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(.Range("ck1"), .Range("a1").Resize(3, 86), 3, 0)
            .Range("cn2") = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(.Range("ck2"), .Range("a1").Resize(3, 86), 3, 0)
        End With
    Next n
End Sub
Static Function ChainArray(k As Integer, v As Variant, Dic As Object, sNum As Integer) As Variant
    Dim vR() As Variant
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim Ws As Worksheet
    Dim n As Integer, cnt As Integer
    If n > 100 Then Exit Function
    If n = 0 Then Dic.Add k, k
    cnt = cnt + 1
    If cnt > 100 Then
        cnt = 0
        n = 0
        Exit Function
    End If
    For j = 1 To 7
            If v(k, j) <> "" Then
                If Not Dic.Exists(v(k, j)) Then
                     n = n + 1
                    ReDim Preserve vR(1 To n)
                    vR(n) = v(k, j)
                    i = v(k, j)
                    Dic.Add i, i
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
    Next j
    ChainArray i, v, Dic, sNum
    ChainArray = vR

End Function





1 : 74,46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
2 : 64,79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,61,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,15,5
3 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
4 : 83,24,37,11,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
5 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,29,43,74,46,19,27,28,32,7
6 : 42,81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,68,16,20,2,64,79,41,47,62,7
7 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,51,53,14,83,4,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,73,38,9,67,13,40,5,37,11,15,71,33,20,16,50,1
8 : 54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,12,31,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
9 : 74,46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
10 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,45,38,9,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
11 : 83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
12 : 31,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
13 : 40,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,45,38,9,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
14 : 83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63,11,15,37,48,33,73,38,9,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
15 : 37,11,83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
16 : 20,2,64,79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,60,36,43,74,46,19,29,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
17 : 80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
18 : 57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,25,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,23,80,17,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
19 : 46,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,25,26,69,27,74,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
20 : 2,64,79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,50,1,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
21 : 32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,15,37,11,83,4,14,82,38,9,67,13,40,5
22 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,25,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,23,80,17,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
23 : 80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
24 : 37,11,83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
25 : 26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,43,74,46,19,29,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
26 : 57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,43,74,46,19,29,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
27 : 74,46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
28 : 32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,71,33,73,38,9,67,13,40,5,37,11,83,4,15
29 : 43,74,46,19,27,28,32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6
30 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
31 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
32 : 7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,21,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,16,20
33 : 86,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
34 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,52,22,1,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
35 : 49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,78,7
36 : 43,74,46,19,29,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6
37 : 11,83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
38 : 9,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
39 : 15,37,11,83,4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
40 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,45,38,9,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
41 : 79,64,2
42 : 81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,6
43 : 74,46,19,29,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6
44 : 8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
45 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,58,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
46 : 19,29,43,74,69,27,28,32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6
47 : 62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,15,5
48 : 47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,15,5
49 : 3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,32,7,63,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,21,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,51,53,14,83,4,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,37,11,39,48,33,73,38,9,67,13,24
50 : 16,20,2,64,79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,60,36,43,74,46,19,29,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
51 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
52 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,25,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,23,80,17,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
53 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,47,62,7,63,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,51,45,38,9,67,13,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,33,86,12,31,85,72,68
54 : 77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,31,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
55 : 23,80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
56 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,73,38,9,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
57 : 34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,26,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,45,38,9,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
58 : 68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
59 : 79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,46,19,29,43,74,69,27,28,32,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
60 : 36,43,74,46,19,29,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,59,70,61,58,68,23,80,17,6
61 : 58,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
62 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,47,67,13,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,15,5
63 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
64 : 79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2
65 : 44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
66 : 56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,7
67 : 64,79,41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2
68 : 44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,58,15,37,11,83,4,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
69 : 27,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
70 : 61,58,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,67,64,79,41,47,62,2
71 : 33,86,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
72 : 68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,58,15,37,11,83,4,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
73 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,46,19,29,43,74,69,27,28,32,7
74 : 46,19,29,43,25,26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,36,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,12,31,85,72,68,16,20,61,58,15,5
75 : 35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,47,62,7,63,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,51,53,14,83,4,15,37,11,31,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,33,86,40,5
76 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,12,31,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
77 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,20,2,64,79,41,47,62,7,63,66,56,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,51,53,14,83,4,15,37,11,31,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,33,86,40,5
78 : 66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,6,42,81,79,41,47,62,2,64,46,19,29,43,74,69,27,28,32,7
79 : 41,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,46,19,29,43,74,69,27,28,32,7,63,66,56,42,81,78,80,17,6
80 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,59,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,69,27,28,32,7
81 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,6,42,82,64,79,41,47,62,2
82 : 81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,86,40,23,80,17,6,42,64,79,41,47,62,2
83 : 4,47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,16,20,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63,11,15,37,14,81,69,27,74,46,19,29,43,25,26,22,1
84 : 76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,85,72,68,23,80,17,6,42,81,78,66,56,63,4,83,24,37,11,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,40,5
85 : 72,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,58,15,37,11,83,4,47,62,2,64,79,41,86,78,66,56,63
86 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3


Sub test()
    Dim vData As Variant
    Dim Ws As Worksheet, rstWs As Worksheet
    Dim a() As Variant
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim Dic As Object
    Dim v As Variant
    Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set Ws = Sheets("For_Macros")
    Set rstWs = Sheets.Add 'set the result sheet
    vData = Ws.Range("B1:H86").Value
    For n = 1 To 86
        a = myArray(n, vData, Dic)
        Debug.Print n & " : " & Join(a, ",")
        With rstWs
            .Range("a" & n) = n
            .Range("b" & n).Resize(1, UBound(a)) = a
        End With
    Next n
End Sub
Static Function myArray(k As Integer, v As Variant, Dic As Object) As Variant
    Dim vR() As Variant
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim Ws As Worksheet
    Dim n As Integer
    If n > 83 Then Exit Function
    For j = 1 To 7
        If v(k, j) <> "" Then
            If Dic.Exists(v(k, j)) Then
                n = 0
                Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                Exit Function
                Dic.Add v(k, j), v(k, j)
            End If
            n = n + 1
            ReDim Preserve vR(1 To n)
            vR(n) = v(k, j)
            i = v(k, j)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next j
    myArray i, v, Dic
    myArray = vR

End Function


1 : 74,46,19
2 : 64,79,41
3 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
4 : 83,4
5 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77
6 : 42,81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
7 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
8 : 54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8
9 : 74,46,19
10 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10
11 : 83,4
12 : 31,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77
13 : 40,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76
14 : 83,4
15 : 37,11,83,4
16 : 20,2,64,79,41
17 : 80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
18 : 57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18
19 : 46,19
20 : 2,64,79,41
21 : 32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
22 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10
23 : 80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
24 : 37,11,83,4
25 : 26,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18
26 : 57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18
27 : 74,46,19
28 : 32,7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
29 : 43,74,46,19
30 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77
31 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77
32 : 7,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
33 : 86,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
34 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34
35 : 49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35
36 : 43,74,46,19
37 : 11,83,4
38 : 9,74,46,19
39 : 15,37,11,83,4
40 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76
41 : 79,41
42 : 81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
43 : 74,46,19
44 : 8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44
45 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76
46 : 19,46
47 : 62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34
48 : 47,62,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34
49 : 3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49
50 : 16,20,2,64,79,41
51 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
52 : 18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10
53 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34
54 : 77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54
55 : 23,80,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
56 : 63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
57 : 34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57
58 : 68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
59 : 79,41
60 : 36,43,74,46,19
61 : 58,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
62 : 75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34
63 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
64 : 79,41
65 : 44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
66 : 56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
67 : 64,79,41
68 : 44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
69 : 27,74,46,19
70 : 61,58,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
71 : 33,86,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
72 : 68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
73 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
74 : 46,19
75 : 35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75
76 : 10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84,76
77 : 84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77
78 : 66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
79 : 41,79
80 : 65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
81 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
82 : 81,78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
83 : 4,83
84 : 76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65,44,8,54,77,84
85 : 72,68,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3,65
86 : 78,66,56,63,65,44,8,54,77,84,76,10,18,57,34,75,35,49,3
