首页 > 解决方案 > 如何输出完整的详细信息


我希望在 Java 中创建一个利用 OOP 的休闲中心预订系统。

其中 2 个类收集名称和地址以及成员类型,它们被添加到名为 memberRegister 的 ArrayList 中。如何打印所有成员详细信息(即存储在数组列表中的内容),从而在一个命令中输出名称、地址、成员类型等?


public class Name {
    private String firstName;
    private String middleName;
    private String lastName;
    //constructor to create object with a first and last name
    public Name(String fName, String lName) {
        firstName = fName;
        middleName = "";
        lastName = lName;
    //constructor to create object with first, middle and last name
    //if there isn't a middle name, that parameter could be an empty String
    public Name(String fName, String mName, String lName) {
        firstName = fName;
        middleName = mName;
        lastName = lName;
    // constructor to create name from full name
    // in the format first name then space then last name
    // or first name then space then middle name then space then last name
    public Name (String fullName) {
        int spacePos1 = fullName.indexOf(' ');
        firstName = fullName.substring(0, spacePos1);
        int spacePos2 = fullName.lastIndexOf(' ');
        if (spacePos1 == spacePos2)
            middleName = "";
            middleName = fullName.substring(spacePos1+1, spacePos2);
        lastName = fullName.substring(spacePos2 + 1);
    // returns the first name
    public String getFirstName() {return firstName; }
    // returns the last name
    public String getLastName() {return lastName; }
    //change the last name to the value provided in the parameter
    public void setLastName(String ln) {
        lastName = ln;
    //returns the first name then a space then the last name
    public String getFirstAndLastName() {
        return firstName + " " + lastName;
    // returns the last name followed by a comma and a space
    // then the first name
    public String getLastCommaFirst() {
        return lastName + ", "+ firstName;
    public String getFullname() {
        return firstName + " " + middleName + " " + lastName;       

public class Address {

    private String first_line, town, postcode;
    public Address(String first_line, String town, String pcode)
        this.first_line = first_line;
        this.town = town;
        postcode = pcode;
    public Address()
        first_line = "";
        town = "";
        postcode = "";
    public String getFirst_line() {
        return first_line;
    public void setFirst_line(String first_line) {
        this.first_line = first_line;
    public String getTown() {
        return town;
    public void setTown() {
        this.town = town;
    public String getPostcode() {
        return postcode;
    public void setPostcode(String postcode) {
        this.postcode = postcode;

public class Member extends Person {
    private String id; // membership ID number
    private String type; // full, family, exercise, swim, casual
    public Member(String id, String type, Name n, Address a)
        super(n, a);
        this.id = id;
        this.type = type;
    public String getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;
    public String getType() {
        return type;
    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Registration {
    private ArrayList<Member> memberRegister;
    public Registration()
        memberRegister = new ArrayList();
    public void register(Member m)
    public int countMembers()
        return memberRegister.size();
    public Member getMember(int i) {
        return memberRegister.get(i);

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Name n = new Name("Kieran", "David", "Nock");
        Address a = new Address ("123 Skywalker Way", "London", "NW1 1AA");
        Member m = new Member("001", "Full", n, a);
        Registration reg = new Registration();


标签: java




    public String toString() {
        return "Member{" +
                "id='" + id + '\'' +
                ", type='" + type + '\'' +

在此之后在 main 方法中添加以下单行将起作用


注意:为ClassmemberRegister中存在的列表创建一个 getterRegistration
