首页 > 解决方案 > 是否有非循环无符号 32 位整数平方根函数 C


我已经看到了产生平方根的浮点位黑客,如此处所示fast floating point square root,但这种方法适用于浮点数。

是否有类似的方法可以在没有 32 位无符号整数循环的情况下找到整数平方根?我一直在网上搜索一个,但没有看到任何

(我的想法是纯二进制表示没有足够的信息来做到这一点,但由于它被限制为 32 位我会猜其他)

标签: cunsigned-integersquare-root



正如评论中所指出的,计数前导零 (CLZ) 指令可用于提供通过浮点操作数的指数部分提供的快速 log 2功能。CLZ 也可以在不通过内在函数提供功能的平台上以合理的效率进行仿真,如下所示。

可以从查找表 (LUT) 中提取对几位有用的初始近似值,就像在浮点情况下一样,它可以通过牛顿迭代进一步细化。对于 32 位整数平方根,一到两次迭代通常就足够了。下面的 ISO-C99 代码显示了工作示例性实施,包括详尽的测试。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>

uint8_t clz (uint32_t a); // count leading zeros
uint32_t umul_16_16 (uint16_t a, uint16_t b); // 16x16 bit multiply
uint16_t udiv_32_16 (uint32_t x, uint16_t y); // 32/16 bit division

/* LUT for initial square root approximation */
static const uint16_t sqrt_tab[32] = 
    0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
    0x85ff, 0x8cff, 0x94ff, 0x9aff, 0xa1ff, 0xa7ff, 0xadff, 0xb3ff,
    0xb9ff, 0xbeff, 0xc4ff, 0xc9ff, 0xceff, 0xd3ff, 0xd8ff, 0xdcff, 
    0xe1ff, 0xe6ff, 0xeaff, 0xeeff, 0xf3ff, 0xf7ff, 0xfbff, 0xffff

/* table lookup for initial guess followed by division-based Newton iteration */
uint16_t my_isqrt (uint32_t x)
    uint16_t q, lz, y, i, xh;

    if (x == 0) return x; // early out, code below can't handle zero

    // initial guess based on leading 5 bits of argument normalized to 2.30
    lz = clz (x);
    i = ((x << (lz & ~1)) >> 27);
    y = sqrt_tab[i] >> (lz >> 1);
    xh = x >> 16; // use for overflow check on divisions

    // first Newton iteration, guard against overflow in division
    q = 0xffff;
    if (xh < y) q = udiv_32_16 (x, y);
    y = (q + y) >> 1;

    if (lz < 10) {
        // second Newton iteration, guard against overflow in division
        q = 0xffff;
        if (xh < y) q = udiv_32_16 (x, y);
        y = (q + y) >> 1;

    if (umul_16_16 (y, y) > x) y--; // adjust quotient if too large

    return y; // (uint16_t)sqrt((double)x)

static const uint8_t clz_tab[32] = 
    31, 22, 30, 21, 18, 10, 29,  2, 20, 17, 15, 13, 9,  6, 28, 1,
    23, 19, 11,  3, 16, 14,  7, 24, 12,  4,  8, 25, 5, 26, 27, 0

/* count leading zeros (for non-zero argument); a machine instruction on many architectures */
uint8_t clz (uint32_t a)
    a |= a >> 16;
    a |= a >> 8;
    a |= a >> 4;
    a |= a >> 2;
    a |= a >> 1;
    return clz_tab [0x07c4acdd * a >> 27];

/* 16x16->32 bit unsigned multiply; machine instruction on many architectures */
uint32_t umul_16_16 (uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
    return (uint32_t)a * b;

/* 32/16->16 bit division. Note: Will overflow if x[31:16] >= y */
uint16_t udiv_32_16 (uint32_t x, uint16_t y)
    uint16_t r = x / y;
    return r;

int main (void)
    uint32_t x;
    uint16_t res, ref;
    printf ("testing 32-bit integer square root\n");
    x = 0;
    do {
        ref = (uint16_t)sqrt((double)x);
        res = my_isqrt (x);
        if (res != ref) {
            printf ("error: x=%08x  res=%08x  ref=%08x\n", x, res, ref);
            printf ("exhaustive test FAILED\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } while (x);
    printf ("exhaustive test PASSED\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
