首页 > 解决方案 > 了解 CCCrypt


我目前正在跟踪 CCCrypt 调用,因此为了提供更广泛的上下文,我正在对应用程序进行渗透测试,同时监视网络调用,我看到应用程序 API 发出的每个 POST 调用都有一个名为signature. 我已经反编译了应用程序的 IPA 文件。我的印象是signature,为 post BODY 生成的this 用于CCCrypt生成签名。因此,我能够跟踪 CCCrypt 调用,并得到以下信息

CCCrypt(operation: 0x0, CCAlgorithm: 0x0, CCOptions: 0x1, keyBytes: 0x106e5ea49, keyLength: 0x10, ivBuffer: 0x106e5ea59, inBuffer: 0x2822e1840, inLength: 0x2f, outBuffer: 0x16ef2db60, outLength: 0x30, outCountPtr: 0x16ef2dbb0)

frida 钩子显示如下


如何使用密钥、IV 并能够加密/解密?

我有以下带有密钥和 IV 的脚本,但在我的情况下,密钥和 IV 以及其他相关字段是什么?

    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
import codecs

backend = default_backend()
padder = padding.PKCS7(128).padder()
unpadder = padding.PKCS7(128).unpadder()

data = b'demo'
data = padder.update(data) + padder.finalize()
key = b64decode('y_device=y_9068496B-C7DE-4EE8-B57D-BE91147662B2')
iv = b64decode(codecs.decode('3f2c593b7d469602af5a6fb718bc92cc', 'hex'))
# iv = b64decode('................')

cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=backend)
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
ct = encryptor.update(data) + encryptor.finalize()
ct_out = b64encode(ct)

decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
plain = decryptor.update(ct) + decryptor.finalize()
plain = unpadder.update(plain) + unpadder.finalize()


// 拦截 CCCrypt 调用。

Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName('libcommonCrypto.dylib', 'CCCrypt'), {
    onEnter: function (args) {
        // Save the arguments
        this.operation   = args[0]
        this.CCAlgorithm = args[1]
        this.CCOptions   = args[2]
        this.keyBytes    = args[3]
        this.keyLength   = args[4]
        this.ivBuffer    = args[5]
        this.inBuffer    = args[6]
        this.inLength    = args[7]
        this.outBuffer   = args[8]
        this.outLength   = args[9]
        this.outCountPtr = args[10]

        console.log('CCCrypt(' + 
            'operation: '   + this.operation    +', ' +
            'CCAlgorithm: ' + this.CCAlgorithm  +', ' +
            'CCOptions: '   + this.CCOptions    +', ' +
            'keyBytes: '    + this.keyBytes     +', ' +
            'keyLength: '   + this.keyLength    +', ' +
            'ivBuffer: '    + this.ivBuffer     +', ' +
            'inBuffer: '    + this.inBuffer     +', ' +
            'inLength: '    + this.inLength     +', ' +
            'outBuffer: '   + this.outBuffer    +', ' +
            'outLength: '   + this.outLength    +', ' +
            'outCountPtr: ' + this.outCountPtr  +')')

        if (this.operation == 0) {
            // Show the buffers here if this an encryption operation
            console.log("In buffer:")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.inBuffer), {
                length: this.inLength.toInt32(),
            console.log("Key: ")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.keyBytes), {
                length: this.keyLength.toInt32(),
                // header: true,
                // ansi: true
            console.log("IV: ")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.ivBuffer), {
                length: this.keyLength.toInt32(),
                header: true,
                ansi: true
    onLeave: function (retVal) {
        if (this.operation == 1) {
            // Show the buffers here if this a decryption operation
            console.log("Out buffer:")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.outBuffer), {
                length: Memory.readUInt(this.outCountPtr),
                header: true,
                ansi: true
            console.log("Key: ")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.keyBytes), {
                length: this.keyLength.toInt32(),
                header: true,
                ansi: true
            console.log("IV: ")
            console.log(hexdump(ptr(this.ivBuffer), {
                length: this.keyLength.toInt32(),
                header: true,
                ansi: true

标签: pythonobjective-ccryptographypycrypto

