首页 > 解决方案 > How to handle submit button action in SKstoreviewcontroller ios


I have implimented SKStoreReviewController in My app. I just want to know how the functionality works. I need to satisfy below requirements.

I need to disply popup in all the 3 cases

  1. For first 10 successful logins
  2. After every 90 days
  3. I don't want to disply rating popup never if he provide the rating.

How do I know if a user gave the rating and also I need to send response to server if user gave the rating.

enter image description here

标签: iosswiftobjective-c


SKStoreReviewController 提交按钮在您的应用程序在 appStore 中运行后处于活动状态。当您在调试模式下运行时,提交按钮会自动禁用。它仅在您在 appStore 中启动应用时才有效。这不是苹果或 Xcode 的错误。

