首页 > 解决方案 > 如何对 R 数据框进行采样,使其在多个变量中具有代表性?


更新 6/16:

添加了调用验证函数的训练-测试拆分函数。添加了一个参数来为您的目标变量单独设置 alpha,以防您需要更高的标准。添加了库调用。

这是一个关于它的 Github:https ://github.com/KalebCoberly/train_test_split_R


我想做一些类似于这篇关于 Pandas 数据框的帖子,但在 R 中,并且理想情况下无论数据类型如何(例如,具有因子和数字列的数据框)。

我想获得一个 R 数据框的随机样本,其中每个变量都相对代表总体。


我编写了一个简单的算法来处理数值变量,对每个变量使用 Wilcoxon 检验。因此,如果样本(测试集)中的所有数字列似乎都来自与其余集(训练集)中的数字列相同的集合,那么您就有了一个相当有代表性的样本。您抽取一个随机样本并使用以下函数对其进行验证,然后重新采样和验证,直到您获得一个满足所有变量的最小代表性(由 alpha 测量)的样本。

在这种情况下,因为 alpha 表示错误拒绝原假设的风险(H0 = 样本并非来自显着不同的群体,即它们代表同一群体。),并且因为我们不想拒绝原假设,我们想要一个大于 alpha 而不是小于 alpha 的 p 值,并且我们想要一个尽可能高的 alpha。


train_test_split = function(df, y_cols, id_cols, feats_lst, test_size = .3,
                            alpha = .5, target_alpha = .9, validate = TRUE) {
  # Splits df into train/test sets and input/target (X/y) sets.
    # (Must have id_col, but can be "dummy" since it's discarded for index.)
  # Parameters:
    # df: (data.frame) Full data set, including target variable(s).
    # y_cols: (c(character)) Target column(s).
    # id_cols: (c(character)) Id column(s) to drop, because df maintains index.
    # test_size: (numeric) Proportion of rows to use for test set.
      # (Does not validate.)
  # alpha: (numeric) Probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.
    # H0 = feature n of train and of test do not represent different sets.
      # (i.e. representative split)
    # H1 = feature n of train and of test represent different supersets.
  # target_alpha: (numeric) Alpha to use if feature is target feature (i.e.
    # if feature is in y_cols).
  # validate: (bool) Should set split be validated?
  # Return:
    # split_lst: (list(data.frame)) (train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y)
      # train_X (data.frame) Input features in training subset.
      # train_y (data.frame) Target variable in training subset.
      # test_X (data.frame) Input features in testing subset.
      # test_y (data.frame) Target variable in testing subset.
  split_lst = list(
    'train_X' = data.frame(),
    'train_y' = data.frame(),
    'test_X' = data.frame(),
    'test_y' = data.frame()
  full_set_len = nrow(df)
  test_set_len = as.integer(test_size * full_set_len)
### TO DO: Add a parameter and logic to choose whether to track this. ###
  # To track average p-values of features:
  feats_p_av_lst = vector(mode = 'list', length = length(feats_lst))
  names(feats_p_av_lst) = feats_lst
  # Split and validate until valid.
  valid_split = FALSE
  while (!valid_split) {
    # Split randomly.
    test_idx = sample(x = full_set_len, size = test_set_len)
    split_lst$train_X = select(df[-test_idx, ], -all_of(y_cols))
    split_lst$train_y = select(df[-test_idx, ], all_of(y_cols))
    split_lst$train_y[id_cols] = split_lst$train_X[id_cols]
    split_lst$test_X = select(df[test_idx, ], -all_of(y_cols))
    split_lst$test_y = select(df[test_idx, ], all_of(y_cols))
    split_lst$test_y[id_cols] = split_lst$test_X[id_cols]
    # Validate the split.
    if (validate) {
      # Randomize test order to "cost-average" compute.
      feats_lst = sample(feats_lst)
      # Test X and y separately to avoid the join compute and data copies.
      X_validation_results = validate_split(
        train = split_lst$train_X,
        test = split_lst$test_X,
        feats_lst = feats_lst,
        y_cols = y_cols,
        feats_p_val_lst = feats_p_av_lst,
        alpha = alpha,
        target_alpha = target_alpha
      feats_p_av_lst = X_validation_results$p_vals
      if (X_validation_results$valid){
        y_validation_results = validate_split(
          train = split_lst$train_y,
          test = split_lst$test_y,
          feats_lst = feats_lst,
          y_cols = y_cols,
          feats_p_val_lst = feats_p_av_lst,
          alpha = alpha,
          target_alpha = target_alpha
        feats_p_av_lst = y_validation_results$p_vals
        if (y_validation_results$valid) {
          valid_split = TRUE
        } # else { print("Invalid y split. Resampling.") }
      } # else { print("Invalid X split. Resampling.") }
    } else {valid_split = TRUE}
  if (validate) {
    for(feat in names(feats_p_av_lst)) {
      feats_p_av_lst[[feat]] = mean(feats_p_av_lst[[feat]])
    print('Average p-values:')

validate_split = function(train, test, feats_lst, y_cols, feats_p_val_lst,
                          alpha = .5, target_alpha = .9) {
  # Conducts Wilcoxon ranks sum test column by column to test if train and test
    # represent a similar superset. (i.e., is the split stratified on every
    # feature?) Both train and test should have the same features. There should
    # be at least one numeric (i.e. continuous) feature, as the test will only
    # be performed on these columns -- this does limit the test.
  # Parameters:
    # train: (data.frame) A subset of original set to compare to the other
      # subset, test.
    # test: (data.frame) A subset of original set to compare to the other
      # subset, train.
    # feats_lst: (list(character)) List of features to test.
    # y_cols: (c(character)) Vector of target features.
    # feats_p_val_lst: (list(character:list(double)) Dictionary of p-values to
      # to track which features are hardest to stratify.
    # alpha: (numeric) Probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.
      # H0 = feature n of train and test does not represent different sets.
        # (i.e. representative split)
      # H1 = feature n of train and test represents a different superset.
    # target_alpha: (numeric) Alpha to use if feature is target feature (i.e.
      # if feature is in y_cols).
  # Return:
    # list(valid: (bool), p_vals: (list(character:list(double)))
      # valid: (bool) Are the sets representative of the same superset?
    # p_vals: (list(character:list(double)) feats_p_val_lst updated
  valid = TRUE
  for (feat in feats_lst) {
    if (valid & feat %in% colnames(train) & feat %in% colnames(test)) {
      this_alpha = alpha
      if (feat %in% y_cols) {
        this_alpha = target_alpha
      results = wilcox.test(
        x = as.double(train[[feat]]),
        y = as.double(test[[feat]])
      if (!(results$p.value > this_alpha)) {
        # print("Reject null hypothesis that split is not unrepresentative:")
        valid = FALSE
      # print(feat)
      # print(results$p.value)
      feats_p_val_lst[[feat]] = c(feats_p_val_lst[[feat]], results$p.value)
  return(list('valid' = valid, 'p_vals' = feats_p_val_lst))


sample_df = data.frame(
    'Id' = c(1:1000),
    'y' = as.double(sample(1:1000, size = 1000)),
    'a' = as.double(sample(1:2000, size = 1000)),
    'b' = as.double(sample(1:3000, size = 1000))

y_cols = c('y'),
id_cols = c('Id'),
feats_lst = colnames(select(sample_df, where(is.double)))

split_lst = train_test_split(
  df = sample_df,
  y_cols = y_cols,
  id_cols = id_cols,
  feats_lst = feats_lst

# > names(split_lst)
# [1] "train_X" "train_y" "test_X"  "test_y"

# You can call validate_split again on your found split to
# get your final p-values for each feature.
feats_p_val_lst = vector(mode = 'list', length = length(feats_lst))
names(feats_p_val_lst) = feats_lst

validate_split_lst = validate_split =(
  train = split_lst$train_X,
  test = split_lst$test_X,
  feats_lst = feats_lst,
  y_cols = y_cols,
  feats_p_val_lst = feats_p_val_lst
validate_split_lst = validate_split =(
  train = split_lst$train_y,
  test = split_lst$test_y,
  feats_lst = feats_lst,
  y_cols = y_cols,
  feats_p_val_lst = validate_split_lst$p_vals

> validate_split_lst$p_vals
# A list of all your feature names with their p-values.
> validate_split_lst$valid

同样,这完全忽略了因子和整数,除非您将它们转换为双精度数,但这将违反 Wilcoxon 假设数据是连续的。

鉴于我当前的数据集包含大约 80 个变量,其中几乎一半是双精度数,这就足够了,因为如果所有双精度数都是,这些因素可能非常具有代表性。

但是,它需要很长时间才能运行并获得甚至 p > .5(即无法拒绝这些数据集不是来自不同人群(即并非不具代表性)的零假设)。而且,如果一个数据集的所有或大部分变量都是因子或整数呢?

有没有更好的方法,无论是/从数学/统计角度和/或 R/编程角度吗?另外,这对机器学习有什么问题吗?我想认为它会提高训练/调整模型的普遍性,减少过度拟合的机会,但它会以某种方式造成泄漏或其他问题吗?

标签: rmachine-learningrandomstatisticstraining-data

