首页 > 解决方案 > 如何更改 JavaScript 测验以发出通过和失败消息而不是分数



var myQuestions = [
        question: "Question1 would go here",
        answers: {
            a: 'Yes',
            b: 'No',
        correctAnswer: 'b'
        question: "Question2 would go here",
        answers: {
            a: 'Yes',
            b: 'No',
        correctAnswer: 'b'

var quizContainer = document.getElementById('quiz');
var resultsContainer = document.getElementById('results');
var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit');

generateQuiz(myQuestions, quizContainer, resultsContainer, submitButton);

function generateQuiz(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer, submitButton){

    function showQuestions(questions, quizContainer){
        // we'll need a place to store the output and the answer choices
        var output = [];
        var answers;

        // for each question...
        for(var i=0; i<questions.length; i++){
            // first reset the list of answers
            answers = [];

            // for each available answer...
            for(letter in questions[i].answers){

                // ...add an html radio button
                        + '<input type="radio" name="question'+i+'" value="'+letter+'">'
                        + questions[i].answers[letter]
                    + '</label>'

            // add this question and its answers to the output
                '<div class="question">' + questions[i].question + '</div>'
                + '<div class="answers">' + answers.join('') + '</div>'

        // finally combine our output list into one string of html and put it on the page
        quizContainer.innerHTML = output.join('');

    function showResults(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer){
        // gather answer containers from our quiz
        var answerContainers = quizContainer.querySelectorAll('.answers');
        // keep track of user's answers
        var userAnswer = '';
        var numCorrect = 0;
        // for each question...
        for(var i=0; i<questions.length; i++){

            // find selected answer
            userAnswer = (answerContainers[i].querySelector('input[name=question'+i+']:checked')||{}).value;
            // if answer is correct
                // add to the number of correct answers
                // color the answers green
                answerContainers[i].style.color = 'lightgreen';
            // if answer is wrong or blank
                // color the answers red
                answerContainers[i].style.color = 'red';

        // show number of correct answers out of total
        resultsContainer.innerHTML = numCorrect + ' out of ' + questions.length;

    // show questions right away
    showQuestions(questions, quizContainer);
    // on submit, show results
    submitButton.onclick = function(){
        showResults(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer);

<div id="quiz"></div>
<button id="submit">Get Results</button>
<div id="results"></div>


  1. 我不想显示测验的分数,而是希望为通过显示一条消息,为失败显示一条消息。

  2. 我希望如果所有问题都正确回答,那么它就是通过,否则它就是失败。

  3. 在所有问题都有答案之前,我不希望用户提交测验。


标签: javascriptjquery





var myQuestions = [
        question: "Question1 would go here",
        answers: {
            a: 'Yes',
            b: 'No',
        correctAnswer: 'b'
        question: "Question2 would go here",
        answers: {
            a: 'Yes',
            b: 'No',
        correctAnswer: 'b'

var quizContainer = document.getElementById('quiz');
var resultsContainer = document.getElementById('results');
var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit');

generateQuiz(myQuestions, quizContainer, resultsContainer, submitButton);

function generateQuiz(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer, submitButton){

    function showQuestions(questions, quizContainer){
        // we'll need a place to store the output and the answer choices
        var output = [];
        var answers;

        // for each question...
        for(var i=0; i<questions.length; i++){
            // first reset the list of answers
            answers = [];

            // for each available answer...
            for(letter in questions[i].answers){

                // ...add an html radio button
                        + '<input type="radio" name="question'+i+'" value="'+letter+'" required="true">'
                        + questions[i].answers[letter]
                    + '</label>'

            // add this question and its answers to the output
                '<div class="question">' + questions[i].question + '</div>'
                + '<div class="answers">' + answers.join('') + '</div>'

        // finally combine our output list into one string of html and put it on the page
        quizContainer.innerHTML = output.join('');
        quizContainer.innerHTML += `<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Get Results">`;

    function showResults(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer){
        // gather answer containers from our quiz
        var answerContainers = quizContainer.querySelectorAll('.answers');
        // keep track of user's answers
        var userAnswer = '';
        var numCorrect = 0;
        // for each question...
        for(var i=0; i<questions.length; i++){

            // find selected answer
            userAnswer = (answerContainers[i].querySelector('input[name=question'+i+']:checked')||{}).value;
            // if answer is correct
                // add to the number of correct answers
                // color the answers green
                answerContainers[i].style.color = 'lightgreen';
            // if answer is wrong or blank
                // color the answers red
                answerContainers[i].style.color = 'red';

        // show number of correct answers out of total
        resultsContainer.innerHTML = numCorrect == myQuestions.length ? "Pass" : "Fail"

    // show questions right away
    showQuestions(questions, quizContainer);
  document.querySelector("#quiz").addEventListener("submit", e => {
    showResults(questions, quizContainer, resultsContainer);

<form id="quiz" action="javascript:void(0);">
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Get Results">

<div id="results"></div>
