首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Unity 中计算哪些 Collider 线段被击中?(将游戏对象放置在对撞机的周边)


对于我正在开发的游戏,我正在尝试编写一些将 GameObjects 放置在 PolygonCollider2D 周边的代码。在我的游戏中,一个物体可以接触一个平台,然后开始在该平台周围散布物质。我希望内容在程序上散布在平台上,每个x单元放置游戏对象。有关我的意思的示例,请查看此 .gif,其中我对 RayCast 做了同样的事情。



在 Unity 中,对撞机包含一个数组,Collider.points其中包含组成对撞机的点的坐标。理论上,如果您开始将游戏对象放置在 处point[0],查看 的方向point[1],然后开始沿该方向放置对象,直到到达point[1]处,查看方向point[2]并重复,您应该能够将对象整齐地放置在所述对撞机的周边周围。




如果我的碰撞发生在红色标记上,我需要以某种方式确定碰撞发生在 和 之间的线段 E 上point[4]point[5]这样我就可以知道沿周边的“起始位置”并开始编写将对象放入的代码两个方向同时沿周边。



标签: unity3d


如果您已经有了接触点,您可以遍历所有顶点 ( point) 并检查接触点最接近哪条线。


public static class VectorUtils
    // Project /point/ onto a line.
    public static Vector3 ProjectPointLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd)
        Vector3 relativePoint = point - lineStart;
        Vector3 lineDirection = lineEnd - lineStart;
        float length = lineDirection.magnitude;
        Vector3 normalizedLineDirection = lineDirection;
        if (length > .000001f)
            normalizedLineDirection /= length;

        float dot = Vector3.Dot(normalizedLineDirection, relativePoint);
        dot = Mathf.Clamp(dot, 0.0F, length);

        return lineStart + normalizedLineDirection * dot;

    // Calculate distance between a point and a line.
    public static float DistancePointLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd)
        return Vector3.Magnitude(ProjectPointLine(point, lineStart, lineEnd) - point);


// Allows to do some iteration queries on IEnumerable collections
using System.Linq;


public static void GetTouchSegmentEndpoints(
    // The Collider.points
    PolygonCollider2D collider, 
    // Your given collision point
    Vector3 touchPoint, 
    // After this method call these two will be filled with the information
    out Vector3 resultA, out Vector3 resultB)
    // Assign default values
    resultA = Vector3.zero;
    resultB = Vector3.zero;

    var localPoints = collider.points;

    // First of all the PolygonCollider2D.points are in LOCAL SPACE
    // so firs we need to convert them to worldSpace 
    // using Linq we can do this in a single line
    var worldPoints = collider.points.Select(p => collider.transform.TransformPoint(p)).ToArray();  
    // This basically equals doing something like
    //var worldPoints = new Vector3 [localPoints.Length];
    //for(var i = 0; i < localPoints.Length; i++)
    //    worldPoints[i] = collider.transform.TransformPoint(localPoints[i]);

    // for comparing the distance to the current line
    var minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;

    // Go through the world space points
    for(var i = 0; i < worldPoints.Length; i++)
        // Get the next i with wrap around at the end
        var nextI = i == (worldPoints.Length - 1) ? 0 : i + 1;

        // Get the two corner points for the current line
        var pointA = worldPoints[i];
        var pointB = worldPoints[nextI];

        // get the distance between that line and the given touch point
        var distance = VectorUtils.DistancePointLine(touchPoint, pointA, pointB);

        // if it is smaller than the current minDistance 
        if(distance < minDistance)
            // replace the results 
            resultA = pointA;
            resultB = pointB;

            minDistance = distance;


PolygonCollider2D yourCollider;
Vector3 yourWorldTouchPoint;

VectorUtils.GetTouchSegmentEndpoints(yourCollider, yourWorldTouchPoint, out var lineA, out var lineB);

// Do something with lineA and lineB

