首页 > 解决方案 > 如何更新指针以创建列表


我正在尝试学习 C,但在使用指针创建列表时遇到了一些麻烦。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct _tDateTimeNode
    struct _tDateTimeNode *next;
} tDateTimeNode;

typedef struct _ApiData
    tDateTimeNode *timeNodeList;
} tApiData;

void dateTimeNode_insert(tDateTimeNode **_list)
    bool found = false;
    tDateTimeNode *list = (*_list);
    while (list != NULL && !found)
        printf("This code never runs!\n");
        list = list->next;

    if (list == NULL)
        printf("This if is always executed!\n");
        list = (tDateTimeNode *)malloc(sizeof(tDateTimeNode));

    if (*_list == NULL)
        printf("This if is also executed!\n");
        _list = &list;

int main()
    tApiData data;
    data.timeNodeList = NULL;

    tDateTimeNode **timeNode = &(data.timeNodeList);

用 编译问题后gcc -o t test.c && ./t,我得到以下输出:

This if is always executed!
This if is also executed!
This if is always executed!
This if is also executed!
This if is always executed!
This if is also executed!
This if is always executed!
This if is also executed!

如您所见,最后两个 if 总是被执行。但是 while 永远不会运行。while 块应该在函数第一次执行后运行,因为据说我添加了一个新元素。我想我没有_list正确更新 的值,但我已经没有办法尝试了。知道如何解决吗?

标签: clinked-list



void dateTimeNode_insert(tDateTimeNode **_list)
    bool found = false;
    tDateTimeNode *list = (*_list);
    while (list != NULL && !found)
        printf("This code never runs!\n");
        list = list->next;

    if (list == NULL)
        printf("This if is always executed!\n");
        list = (tDateTimeNode *)malloc(sizeof(tDateTimeNode));

    if (*_list == NULL)
        printf("This if is also executed!\n");
        _list = &list;




   _list = &list;

对列表的唯一引用已经一去不复返了。也许您打算编写*_list = list;以便在插入第一个元素时保存列表的新头部

命名也令人困惑:list, _list.




想象一个用于控制队列的工单列表。进入的每个客户都会收到一张带有序列号和格式时间戳的票yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss。客户在队列末尾进入。


typedef struct
    char*    ts;   // time stamp
    unsigned USN;  // sequence number

}   Ticket;


typedef struct _Node
    Ticket*       tk;
    struct _Node* next;

}   Node;



typedef struct
    Node*    head;  // first node if any
    unsigned size;  // actual Node count

}   List;



List* create();
List* destroy(List*);
int   insert(Ticket*, List*);
int   show(List*, const char*);



int main(void)
    Ticket ticket;
    List*  one = create();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1)
        ticket.USN = i;
        ticket.ts  = get_ts();
        insert(&ticket, one);
    show(one, "After 10 tickets inserted...\n");
    one = destroy(one);  // destroys list, invalidate pointer
    return 0;

该代码创建一个包含 10 张票的列表,显示它们并删除该列表。


After 10 tickets inserted...

   List has 10 elements:

    1  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    2  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    3  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    4  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    5  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    6  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    7  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    8  2021-11-15 14:12:06
    9  2021-11-15 14:12:06
   10  2021-11-15 14:12:06


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

typedef struct
    char*    ts;   // time stamp
    unsigned USN;  // sequence number
} Ticket;

typedef struct _Node
    Ticket*       tk;
    struct _Node* next;

} Node;

typedef struct
    Node*    head;  // first node if any
    unsigned size;  // actual Node count
} List;

// List stuff
List* create();
List* destroy(List*);
int   insert(Ticket*, List*);
int   show(List*, const char*);

// helpers
char* get_ts();  // get time in format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

int main(void)
    Ticket ticket;
    List*  one = create();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1)
        ticket.USN = i;
        ticket.ts  = get_ts();
        insert(&ticket, one);
    show(one, "After 10 tickets inserted...\n");
    one = destroy(one);  // destroys list, invalidate pointer
    return 0;
};  // main()

List* create()
    List* list = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));
    if (list == NULL) return NULL;
    list->head = NULL;
    list->size = 0;
    return list;

List* destroy(List* list)
    if (list == NULL) return NULL;
    Node* tmp = list->head->next;
    Node* p   = list->head;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < list->size - 1; i += 1)
    {  // delete ticket and node at p
        p   = tmp;
        tmp = p->next;
    // p now points to last
    free(list);  // the List itself
    return NULL;

int insert(Ticket* tk, List* L)
{  // insert tk into list L, at the end
    if (L == NULL) return -1;
    if (tk == NULL) return -2;
    // get a new ticket
    Ticket* nt = (Ticket*)malloc(sizeof(Ticket));
    *nt        = *tk;
    // now creates a new Node for this ticket
    Node* nnd = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    nnd->next = NULL;
    nnd->tk   = nt;

    // list is empty?
    if (L->size == 0)
        L->head = nnd;
        L->size = 1;
        return 0;  // ok

    // search List end
    Node* p = L->head;
    while (p->next != NULL) p = p->next;
    p->next = nnd;  // last now points to new
    L->size += 1;
    return 0;  // ok

int show(List* L, const char* msg)
    if (msg != NULL) printf("\n%s\n", msg);
    if (L == NULL)
        printf("There is no list: nothing to display");
        return -1;
    printf("   List has %d elements:\n\n", L->size);
    Node* p = L->head;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < L->size; i += 1)
        printf("%5u  %s\n", p->tk->USN, p->tk->ts);
        p = p->next;
    return L->size;

char* get_ts()
{  // return string in format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
    time_t moment;
    time(&moment);  // get time
    // convert time to struct tm
    struct tm* t_info     = localtime(&moment);
    char*      time_stamp = (char*)malloc(20);
    // format time stamp and return to caller
    strftime(time_stamp, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t_info);
    return time_stamp;
