首页 > 解决方案 > 无法从 SSRS 报表生成器 3.0 调用 Oracle 存储过程



我们正在从 Crystal Reports 迁移到 SSRS 报表(Report Builder 3.0),对于报表开发,我们使用 oracle 驱动程序和存储过程作为连接选项。

当我尝试运行查询或任何表时,我能够运行并获取所需的数据集,但是当使用存储过程(2 输入 1 输出 sys_refcursor)时,出现以下错误:

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PRocedure'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored


标签: oraclestored-procedurescrystal-reportsssrs-2008-r2reportbuilder3.0


Finally after trying for many days, found a way to use stored procedure in SSRS.

posting the answer so that others can use.

From report builder I couldn't find any solution to connect a stored procedure to oracle database, Followed below process:

  1. Install visual studio 2017

  2. Install Microsoft.DataTools.ReportingServices for visual studio this will install the SSRS tools to develop from visual studio.

  3. Now to get the oracle connection need to install the ODAC tools. For the connection to work perfectly install ODAC tools for 32 bit (Select all options during installation) and ODAC tools for 64 bit with out "Oracle developer tools for visual studio".

Now when you start visual studio, make connection to report and the select the procedure it should automatically give you the meta data for the procedure.
